Discovery Channel brings back Sons-of-Guns

What was the gun shop with a show from CO? Think their daughters name Paige? She could eat crackers in my bed all day every day.
Sorry mates, that girl looks like a poster child for LA inbreeding, then she opens her mouth and removes all doubt.

I'd rather wade in a pond and move my hips back and forth. Something tells me I'd have more friction and satisfaction doing that.
First off, I'd say a vast majority of you would hit it if you were three sheets and it was 2AM. Just admit it. Secondly, Will is such an over the top, dbag it makes me cringe to just listen to him.

Ahh, thank you for this.

All this does is confirm that YOU are the wingman when we go out and the one to take one for the team by leaving with the fat friend of the hot chick one of us gets to bang.


Even drunk, she wouldn't get a 2nd look...
what, no love for 'wild west alaska'? Cant figure out why its on animal planet but the people sure seem less dickish then the 2 shows that i cant even mention by name anymore...
I have found myself watching the last couple of episodes. I just can't help myself.

I also just took a look at the Red Jacket website. They have almost no guns listed on their site anymore, except for the 10/22 bullpup conversions.

And then, there is this:


Game changer.
I have found myself watching the last couple of episodes. I just can't help myself.

I also just took a look at the Red Jacket website. They have almost no guns listed on their site anymore, except for the 10/22 bullpup conversions.

And then, there is this:


Game changer.


anyways, yeah I caught a few minutes of a new episode at a friends house last weekend. Hadn't watched in so long that I didn't know Chris put on weight, Will looks like shit and is still retarded + cheesy, and Stephanie is still the babe from atilla's avatar.
Now it makes sense. I dont watch enough TV to know what sons of guns is, i just thought that was a picture of Atilla or a child of Atilla. Maybe i should watch TV.

Same here I never knew what the deal is with his avatar. I didn't want to ask in case it was his wife/girlfriend.
First off, I'd say a vast majority of you would hit it if you were three sheets and it was 2AM. Just admit it. Secondly, Will is such an over the top, dbag it makes me cringe to just listen to him.

I would hit it without the booze.
it's okay, you're not the first person.

at least you didn't think it was me.

...several people did/do.

Yep. I always thought that a strange looking dark haired girl kept hitting on me at first, then I realized it was a dude. [hmmm]

I know, you like to party. Well that's weird because me too! Just let me start drinking now [banana]
I would berry that so quick

even Victoria's Secret CEOs are disgusted by that amount of airbrushing. Not even going to discuss her features (or lack thereof). She really thinks she's hot, she's so delusional. Now, if I was near blackout drunk, I probably would forget it's her and berry.
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