Democrats in Missouri propose bill to confiscate firearms

If this is true i cant believe this is happening, when is someone gonna stand up and help out the law abiding gun owners. The 2nd amendment prevents things like this happening along with government take over.
So Missouri would be a right-off if that passes. Those that wrote, sponsored, and voted to pass the bill should be removed from office since they're obviously retarded/brain dead.
When one of us talk about all these laws and regulations that lead to registration and ultimately to confiscation; the left says we are the crazy ones - we 'respect' the 2A. Like Menendez 'respects' 14yo prostitutes and 0bama respects the Rule of Law; BS.


With you Missouri, if this law passes - NES vacation to Missouri - THE SHOW ME STATE.
Democrats did that? Say it ain't so. Wait. This is my surprised face.
On a lighter note, Missouri is as good as any other place to start a nationwide thing, ya know?
BTW, my car is crap. I'll need a ride. Can't haul my stuff on the bike all the way to Misery.
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This just proves it blatantly. Its not about the safety of Children its about total confiscation. Hmm I wonder if the UN is saying " Do it, or we will " of course I speculate.

Oh and I yawn as well...if this is what its going to come down to its time to go all Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and say **** it all.
This just proves it blatantly. Its not about the safety of Children its about total confiscation. Hmm I wonder if the UN is saying " Do it, or we will " of course I speculate.

Oh and I yawn as well...if this is what its going to come down to its time to go all Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and say **** it all.

we're going down to Boliva?
I've spent time in Missouri. I can't see this passing without someone getting shot. There are a number of Good ole' Boys down there who have some pretty extensive arsenals. Knew a few of them. If any place will start Go time, it will be there if this gets passed.
A$$holes. Yeah, who cares about the missouri gun collector and his 40 year, $50K collection that they want to see simply turned in and destroyed. Absolute a-holes.
Wonder how many homes will have 'accidents' that demo it, people collect the insurance money and move to another state, if this passes.
The sponsors are a couple of dems from the St. Louis area -- a city where liberals would like to think they have an east coast sensibility. The best part of this is that true coastal liberals would rather have a root canal than lower themselves to deal with wanna-be takers from flyover states. The bulk of Missouri residents are very pro-gun and the urban areas (pockets of KC, St. Louis, and increasingly Columbia) don't have much say about it.
If this is true i cant believe this is happening, when is someone gonna stand up and help out the law abiding gun owners. The 2nd amendment prevents things like this happening along with government take over.

It is up to you / us to do something. It's called vote, contribute with your wallet, get involved by attending meetings, and writing to your representatives. I was at my reps meeting last night with 8 other people who live in Winchester and Stoneham, but I know plenty more on this board are from those towns. Get out and get involved that's how.
I honestly don't think this has a hairy snowball's chance in hell of actually passing. However, I spent the first 28 years of my life in Missiouri, 19 years in the rural southeast part of the state, and the rest near Kansas City. Most every gun owner I knew, and I knew a bunch, were major fudds. Most had never handled a pistol, and only owned hunting rifles and shotguns. My dad and brothers included. Most also had the stupid, "If it doesn't affect me, I don't care." attitude. So.... you never know.
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