Democratic party...


During the primaries, Fred Thompson!
Not at all, that's why I'm supporting the candidate that I believe reflects the core of the Republican party, rather sub-optimize on some RINO right from the beginning in a mis-guided attempt to fight the Dim-o-crats for some mysterious, and IMNSHO non-existent, center of the electorate.
I think Fred is sinking fast.
I`m not saying that Romney is our savior but I think he could defeat the Clintonista`s in the general election. And that`s what it`s all about. We`re never going to get one of our own in the White House. People like us are unelectable. We wouldn`t put up with the Bullshit needed to be a serious candidate for higher office.
Unfortunately it`s about picking the guy who will do the least damage.
I think Fred is sinking fast.
I`m not saying that Romney is our savior but I think he could defeat the Clintonista`s in the general election. And that`s what it`s all about. We`re never going to get one of our own in the White House. People like us are unelectable. We wouldn`t put up with the Bullshit needed to be a serious candidate for higher office.
Unfortunately it`s about picking the guy who will do the least damage.
Forgive me for being blunt, but I find this to be a shallow, defeatist attitude. There's not been ONE primary or caucus yet and people like you are already talking about supporting a horrible candidate that they don't like for illogical and mis-guided reasons. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, and is part of the reason the primary political parties are becoming a center-left indistinguishable muddle.

As I've said before, I think the MSM is boycotting Fred because they rightly fear that he is the most likely to defeat their Dim-o-crat darlings because he IS different from them.
As I've said before, I think the MSM is boycotting Fred because they rightly fear that he is the most likely to defeat their Dim-o-crat darlings because he IS different from them.

Exactly. Is it any wonder that Huckabee is getting so much MSM attention? He's a RINO. A big government, tax and spend social conservative.
As I've said before, I think the MSM is boycotting Fred because they rightly fear that he is the most likely to defeat their Dim-o-crat darlings because he IS different from them.

I don't know how true this is, but it's got to be close.

At a minimum, the MSM doesn't want Fred to win, because he's pretty much AGAINST anything and everything they're FOR and vice versa.

I like the idea of Fred, for sure.

And, hold off the pessimism until AFTER the GOP Caucus, please. Up until that date, you're just making assumptions, especially now, before the first primary.

It won't be the first time the winner looked like he was a sure loser until well into the cycle.

Seems like it happened in 1992, and well, he was still a "loser", even though he got elected.

Forgive me for being blunt, but I find this to be a shallow, defeatist attitude. There's not been ONE primary or caucus yet and people like you are already talking about supporting a horrible candidate that they don't like for illogical and mis-guided reasons. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, and is part of the reason the primary political parties are becoming a center-left indistinguishable muddle.
I don`t pretend to be a political expert but I listen to people like Jay Severin, who`s run political campaigns for 25 years, Lou Dobb`s, Bill O`Reilly, etc. They all say Fred has no chance. Look at the polls. he`s not even in the top three.
Also I`ve watched the debates and he`s not getting my airtime.

I`m not a defeatist, just a realist. There`s a big differance.
Forgive me for being blunt, but I find this to be a shallow, defeatist attitude. There's not been ONE primary or caucus yet and people like you are already talking about supporting a horrible candidate that they don't like for illogical and mis-guided reasons. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, and is part of the reason the primary political parties are becoming a center-left indistinguishable muddle.

As I've said before, I think the MSM is boycotting Fred because they rightly fear that he is the most likely to defeat their Dim-o-crat darlings because he IS different from them.

You're dreaming. Like I said before, you folks in MA can afford to throw away your vote in the primary. We NH voters can't. Fred would be torn apart by Hillary and co.
My prediction even though I am not fond of the prospect is we are going to be choosin between Romney and Clinton for president. God knows there is no way in HELL I would vote for A, THE, ANY Clinton.
Back in October, there were some poll tabulations showing Ron Paul would draw enough independent and Democrat votes, without losing any Republican votes, to beat Hillary in a general election. The numbers are very interesting - and that's from OCTOBER, well before Ron Paul's rise in popularity and Hillary's decline. I think the thing is he just doesn't scare off too many Republicans, while also drawing a number of moderate lefties who either like some Libertarian ideals, or at least are put at ease by the idea of a "hands off" Presidency. Really, his one problem from where I stand is that he's trying to avoid the Gore-effect ("yadda, yadda yadda"), and so fails to explain the reasoning behind some of his more dramatic-seeming positions. Fred explains his federalist positions much better, on the occasions that he actually makes the effort. [thinking]

One cool thing about the NH primary is how many dedicated undeclared voters there are (upwards of 1/3 of registered voters), so the primaries here can really show how a candidate might draw from the other party, sideline voters, and the generally disgruntled, which a pure party-voters-only primary will not do.
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