Deleting a Social Group?


NES Member
Jan 14, 2006
South Eastern, MA
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I wanted to make an adult orientated social group where I could post images such as this:

because I laughed when I saw it thinking it would make the ideal avatar for Jim (Eddie Coyle) [smile] but found you can only create 5 social groups.
Since the parenting group went bust and is pretty much dead, I tried to delete it but it says I can't even though I created it. [thinking]
you need to remove everyone in the group before you can delete it. Is the 5 group limit new? I thought I had more than that before I deleted a bunch. You could also try to transfer ownership to someone else. However when I tried that before it sent the person an email, but they weren't able to accept the ownership.
I can't remove the members, can't delete the group, can't do anything with it. Its just dead in the water.

I actually want to make a group for Sippican R&GC members since there are now quite a few but can't create another social group.[thinking]

Nevermind, it finally worked. At first it said I didn't have permission to but when I checked it again all members were deleted and it allowed removal.
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I wanted to make an adult orientated social group where I could post images such as this:

because I laughed when I saw it thinking it would make the ideal avatar for Jim (Eddie Coyle) [smile] but found you can only create 5 social groups.
Since the parenting group went bust and is pretty much dead, I tried to delete it but it says I can't even though I created it. [thinking]

Work is blocking photobucket, but I'm guessing you want a place to post kitty porn for EC?
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