Dan Rather: Opposing Gun Control Is ‘Unpatriotic’

Feb 6, 2012
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Hey Dan, kiss my star spangled arse

Dan Rather: Opposing Gun Control Is 'Unpatriotic' - Bearing Arms

As a pro-gun voice, I’ve been called a great many things by anti-gunners. Few of them complimentary, and none intentionally complimentary. That’s par for the course, though, and most gun rights supporters have similar stories.

One thing I don’t think I’ve ever been accused of is being anti-American.

However, leave it to Dan Rather to argue that those who oppose gun control are being somehow unpatriotic.

Following the shootings Friday, Rather on “CNN Tonight” called the inaction “despicable” and charged “it speaks to our lack of honor and patriotism.”

Rather said on Friday’s “CNN Tonight” show with Don Lemon: “This story is not new. This story happens all too often, and the fact that we haven’t done anything really to come to grips with it is — despicable is the only word that comes to mind. And it speaks to our lack of honor and patriotism, in this sense: This is a national health epidemic. And can you imagine, Don, what it would be, of instead of guns, we had an outbreak of an Ebola epidemic? We the public, we the people, and our political representatives would be behaving in a completely different manner.”

Finding someone like Rather trying to lecture the country on patriotism is as laughable as Hillary Clinton giving a keynote speech on cybersecurity. Then again, this is the world we’re living in, isn’t it?

In Rather’s little world, an appreciation for the United States Constitution is somehow unpatriotic, but running a false story about a president’s military service somehow isn’t. Funny.
Ebola...ebola... which amendment was that one?

It's a complete false argument in the first place.

"We have an entire organization of Democrats that are in Washington. Can you imagine if those were killer bees instead? We wouldn't be talking, we'd be eradicating them like there was no tomorrow."

The man doesn't understand compare and contrast further than his own feelings and his own lying pretending "news" he's been spouting since he whined because people didn't like him as much as Cronkite 40 years ago. What a pansy-ass.
It seems Dan would argue the only patriotic way to approach the problem of STDs is to outlaw sex.
Alternative headline..."supporting the bill of rights is unpatriotic ". Wtf Dan? Wouldn't have expected anything different from a "journalist " today.
So opposing those who want to destroy part of the constitution is unpatriotic.


And this is from a guy who made a living off of the first amendment freedoms that that same constitution provides.
Im pissed “we” have not done anything to tey and figure out why people decide to do evil things and hurt innocent people

Oh and Dan GFY. Expressing my Patriotism with freedom of speech and my right to defend it.
Yes, danny, this country is FULL of guns.
danny, this is the country that every chicken shit socialist enclave in Europe counts on to save them every time some tyrant overruns them.
danny, some of us know what actual patriotism is.
danny, it is not patriotic to trash the sacred rights given to us all by the Founders
Fock you danny
I'd argue that making up news when you're a "trusted" "journalist" in an attempt to sway public opinion toward your favorite political party and undermining the democratic process is unpatriotic, but that's none of my business.
dude's 87....give it up already.

"lack of honor and patriotism" LOL, just another moonbat projecting
ad ho·mi·nem
/ˌad ˈhämənəm/

  1. (of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.
    "vicious ad hominem attacks"

When your position has no merit, attack the person instead
May he get azz raypt by one of his compadres and squeal out his wish to have a gun.
In fifty years from now, when this country is overrun by politicians with a first name of Mohamed.
When sharia law is the new law of the land.
When there are mass numbers of LBGTQRXYZ people being slaughtered because of the tolerant's religious beliefs.
When only the govt. owns firearms and the whole country looks like an old picture of Auschwitz.

What or who do you think is going to free us from this nightmare then?

Not Hollywood, NOT the media, Not the LBGT community, Not the snow flake liberals, Not the police, Not those college professors and Not the so called politicians that caused it all.

It will be the poor conservatives, those blue collar, men and women of might, blood and conviction!
Yes, true to the core Americans. Those same ones that build this great nation!
The strong build nations, the weak destroy it!
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