Customer shoots robber

me thinks here in MA, the laws would not protect him so. Interesting about the Stand your ground law, wonder how it will hold up seeing as the bad guy didn't have a gun.
Ineresting read.. in this state you would go to jail for the rest of your life for murder 1 if you shot the perp, or you would go to jail for 20 years to life for being an accessory to the murder of the clerk for NOT doing anything ....... yup.. thats your legal system at work here in mass..
Why can't people understand this is what NEEDS to happen if we want to cut down on crime?
The world's getting more violent and the libs want to continually display their spineless back sides.

When are they going to wake the F-up.

This kid should have gotten the Keys to the City for taking a piece of filth off the street.
Good for him, I hope they don't try to screw him.

Notice how the witness said he didn't have to do that, but the witness also failed to do anything himself. BTW in case you didn't catch it, "the clerk" was also female, tough robber, adios.
Well I'm glad he did what he did, but he needs to SHUT UP! In the video I saw, his statement(s) could (and still may) be twisted and used against him. Even if they decide not to charge him he should not be talking to the press like that. The press is NOT your friend.

I also heard the news anchor quote another who said "We may see more crime scenes like this one.." GOOD! It will be a short lived thing though because the perps will either be dead or move on to easier pickings.
Yeah, I would not try that im Mass. You would be in the slammer hoping your lawyer could get you off.

If you are going to shoot a guy, you probably want to shoot to kill. But it is that initial decision--do you HAVE TO shoot the guy? Cops have the training and the legal standing to make that decision and carry it out. You have to hope the ag is going to be on your side when it is all over.
The robber wasn't hurting the clerk that much he had every right to life as anyone else... poor guy, poorer family!

Whoops, sorry, wrong forum.

Good for the customer, in the famous words of the Simpson guy.... *points* Ha-ha!
If you read the some of the comments on the site you would have noticed that Pistol Whippings have had a great increase in frequency as of late. I really think no charges are going to be filed given the way the law is currently written.
"That's kind of scary that anybody can just walk up and blam, blam, and you're done," Jeff Harrison said.

It's only scary of you're a PoS criminal.

I guess Mr. Harrison could move to MA and find out how it is when no one would come to his aid for fear of being treated as a criminal when a perp was beating the **** out of him.
MA is so bad that I wonder what would happen (in MA) if, given the same scenario, the customer with LTCA pulled his gun and held the perp at gunpoint until the PD arrived. I fear he could be made "the bad guy" in that situation as well.
MA is so bad that I wonder what would happen (in MA) if, given the same scenario, the customer with LTCA pulled his gun and held the perp at gunpoint until the PD arrived. I fear he could be made "the bad guy" in that situation as well.

I think we would be charged with armed assault on the perp, and arrested. The perp would be given immunity to testify that we pulled out a gun, we would be convicted and sentenced to 10 years, and then the perp would slap a civil suit on us and would get awarded our house, money and the dog. Oh yeah, and the victim bleeding on the sidewalk would have to pay for hazmat to come in and clean up their blood.
I think we would be charged with armed assault on the perp, and arrested. The perp would be given immunity to testify that we pulled out a gun, we would be convicted and sentenced to 10 years, and then the perp would slap a civil suit on us and would get awarded our house, money and the dog. Oh yeah, and the victim bleeding on the sidewalk would have to pay for hazmat to come in and clean up their blood.

me thinks here in MA, the laws would not protect him so. Interesting about the Stand your ground law, wonder how it will hold up seeing as the bad guy didn't have a gun.

Actually, it's a bit more complex than that.

No. 1: the "stand your ground" FLA statute is similar to the MA "castle" statute. What it does is to adjust the application of the "ability to flee" aspect of the "necessity" element of the the defense of self-defense. In MA, "ability to flee" does not negate "necessity" only in one's home. In FLA, "ability to flee" is rendered irrelevant in a wider scope of places.

No. 2: the real issue affecting whether or not the defensive shooting was permissible in this story is whether, given the absence of a weapon in use by the aggressor, the victim was in jeopardy of death or serious bodily injury. The absence of a weapon by itself does not decide this question; people have died from fists-only or feet-only beatings. (In MA, a shod foot can qualify as a "dangerous weapon.") However, we can't resolve this issue on the basis of the stories, so let's put it aside.

No. 3: the defense of the shooter in this story is, in fact, not "self-defense," but rather "defense of another." If the victim was in the required jeapardy, then the use of force to defend him may well be privileged. MA law in this regard is no different than FLA's, in that "defense of another" is a recognized defense.
MA is so bad that I wonder what would happen (in MA) if, given the same scenario, the customer with LTCA pulled his gun and held the perp at gunpoint until the PD arrived. I fear he could be made "the bad guy" in that situation as well.

Of course and he'd probably lose his license. I'm glad I can walk around with two pistols open carried and not have a problem, except when they think one is concealed but turns out to be a flashlight.
Ineresting read.. in this state you would go to jail for the rest of your life for murder 1 if you shot the perp, or you would go to jail for 20 years to life for being an accessory to the murder of the clerk for NOT doing anything ....... yup.. thats your legal system at work here in mass..

Thats why if I ever see anybody getting beaten to death I am just going to pull my shirt over my head and run for my life.
IANAL but if I was put in a situation like this , the LAST thing I would do is grant any interviews to any news outlet.
I have a feeling this guy should be keeping his mouth shut, right or not.
It also seems fairly obvious to me that the woman conducting the interview is familiar with firearms. Good trigger discipline and she didnt handle the pistol like it was something that was going to turn around and bite her.
Hooray for Anderson, but yes, as another commenter has noted, I hope he STFU before someone tries to nail him.

In Washington, the last state in which I legally carried, the rule was either :

A: immediate threat to life,) mine or someone else's)


B: A "felony upon a person" which covers a a fair amount of ground.

As I recall Florida has a fairly broad law, which, is, essentially: "If you threaten someone's life or safety in my view, I have the right to end your ass here and now."

Seems reasonable to me.
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