Congressman Shot

Massive amounts of fail on the part of security IMHO.

Rep. Mike Bishop "...a gunman walked up to the fence line and just began to shoot. ...He had a rifle...he kept unloading and reloading."

The shooting went on for roughly 10 minutes, with some accounts putting the number of shots fired around 100.

"He was coming around the fence line and he was looking for all of us who had found cover in different spots."

It seems like a poor performance from security for congressional leadership. I would have expected this to be ended in less than a minute.
Isn't today trumps birthday? Wonder if any connection, can't get to him but can get to repubs. Scalise is a vocal trump
Supporter and is vocal about repealing Obamacare I believe....however I could be wrong

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“The only reason why any of us walked out of this thing, by the grace of God, one of the folks here had a weapon to fire back and give us a moment to find cover"

And there it is folks hypocracy in full Bloom.... that quote should be on the front page of every newspaper.
Who the hell was providing the security.. Anwar Sadat's bodyguards??

According to some reports security was sitting inside an SUV. Probably listening to the radio and not really paying attention.
I might as well jump to conclusions since the press has been doing that for the last 2 hours.
One guy had a weapon??? And you had maybe a dozen congressmen in one spot? Shouldn't you have SS shooters on rooftops for something like this???
Now gabby Giffords can shut up, and the navy can build 6 more ships that we have names already for.

eta: stupid precedent set.
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Only two Capital Police officers. If Scalise wasn't there, there would have been no security.
Odd. What I heard on the news this a.m. was that house leadership's security entailed 2 big black SUVs. What was there at the ball field, a pink Smart Car with only 1 of the occupants armed????
One guy had a weapon??? And you had maybe a dozen congressmen in one spot? Shouldn't you have SS shooters on rooftops for something like this???

535 members of congress, (that's house of representatives and senators).


The Secret Service is recognized for the physical protection it provides to the nation’s highest elected leaders, visiting foreign dignitaries, facilities and major events. In order to ensure a secure environment for protectees, the Secret Service integrates a variety of innovative technologies and maintains a highly skilled and motivated workforce.
  • The President of the United States
  • The Vice President of the United States
  • The President’s and Vice President’s immediate families
  • Former Presidents, their spouses and their minor children under the age of 16

  • Foreign heads of state and their spouses visiting the United States
  • Major presidential and vice presidential candidates and their spouses
  • Events designated as National Special Security Events by the Secretary, U.S. Department of Homeland Security

I don't see congress in the above list... So, it's not the Secret Service.
This incident was inevitable with the hysteria the Dems have whipped up after Trumps election. They own this but the lamestream media will turn it into a gun issue. Gonna be a long, hot summer folks.
Who the hell was providing the security.. Anwar Sadat's bodyguards??
The only congresscritters that get security are leadership, Scalise being the majority whip has 2 capital police as his security protection. If he wasn't there it would have been dial 911 and wait for the cavalry. Supposedly, local PD responded within 3 minutes and returned fire upon arrival to the active scene. From the reports, wounded capital police took down the perp. 2 congressmen have been shot, Scalise and Williams from Texas whose injury is unknown at last reports. The gunman is alive and at a local hospital, condition unknown, so he could be dead by now.
Yes, if this does play out as a angry leftist, it does raise the bar quite a few notches towards full on civil war. Conservatives have been holding back, you know, like being conservative, but this changes the rules to many in so many ways. I know for fact that here in North Carolina we are much more tame than where Scalise is from and the whole Gulf ridge area, them country boys want CW part II to get going. Flyover area outside of cities are sick of DC's crap and want focus on the things that are hurting us the most, not the Russian BS or anti Trump crap.
Bad day for America. Hope all injured recover quickly.
"Rep. Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio, told Fox News he "felt like I was in Iraq, but without my weapon." Sen. Jeff Flake said the congressional group were "sitting ducks." "
I hear a lot of 're-thinking words' in the congress-critters giving interviews. Does that mean, more private carry rights or more bans? I don't know - but the phrasing that these guys are using is making me think changes are coming.

As soon as politicians start getting targeted (which is what this was) - big changes happen. The ones that care stay, the ones that are there for personal reasons leave, and you usually get 'causers' to fill the vacuum.

Prayers to those involved and their families.
Alexandria Police Chief saying call came in at 07:09AM and they responded in less 3 minutes.

Still 3 minutes too late. Without those capitol police officers we would have several dead congressmen today. Why any member of Congress, especially Republicans, aren't carrying is beyond me. I would think they could get around the DC gun laws since laws don't apply to Congress, etc.
Still 3 minutes too late. Without those capitol police officers we would have several dead congressmen today. Why any member of Congress, especially Republicans, aren't carrying is beyond me. I would think they could get around the DC gun laws since laws don't apply to Congress, etc.

No, no, you don't understand. If guns were illegal this shooter would have rethought his life options and become a florist instead of an a$$hole. Everyone knows people don't do things that are illegal.

The anti-gun line has already started unspooling on social media. Thank heavens there were *trained, competent police* on site, instead of some everyday gun nuts who would have just made things worse.

Rand Paul......."It sounded like an AR-15"

Was he able to tell what the barrel twist rate was?
Still 3 minutes too late. Without those capitol police officers we would have several dead congressmen today. Why any member of Congress, especially Republicans, aren't carrying is beyond me. I would think they could get around the DC gun laws since laws don't apply to Congress, etc.

They were in Virginia. Someone should have been carrying.

The Republicans are going to have a hard time fending off AR bans and more background checks now, which is exactly why the Statists arranged for such a thing to happen.
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