College Student Shoots, Kills Home Invader

It is time to act when the bad guys start counting out bullets and question if the "have enough".[hmmm]
It is time to act when the bad guys start counting out bullets and question if the "have enough".[hmmm]

Indeed. Back in my convenience store clerk days I carried a little pistol, Beretta .25, in violation of company policy. I always knew that if I was being taken out back to the cooler, I'd do my best to hit the BG square between the eyes.

Those who go into the cooler often do not come out.

Sometimes, you just know what you have to do.
It is time to act when the bad guys start counting out bullets and question if the "have enough".[hmmm]
No shit. Forget getting to the point of counting ammo - anyone I'm friendly with to enough to have over for a couple of beers is going to have a hell of a lot of explaining to do for NOT acting when said "critters" starts separating guests by sex.
No shit. Forget getting to the point of counting ammo - anyone I'm friendly with to enough to have over for a couple of beers is going to have a hell of a lot of explaining to do for NOT acting when said "critters" starts separating guests by sex.

It would be very hard to bum rush your place. And what a mistake it would be to try. BTW, if someone does, give me a call. In the orchard, noone can hear you scream.[devil2]
I wonder how well this would go over in Medford/Somerville right off the Tufts campus, or Newton around the BC campus... Yes, it would be a justified shooting, but damn that kid would have been expelled or at least suspended from school, in jail, and put on Fox 25 news as a criminal. What the hell?

Yes, in most likelihood he would get off in MA. I wonder if he'd be able to use those student loans to pay for a competent attorney.
he had that dare to be great situation, and he came through, i am a college student and should something like this ever happen i would do just as he did, even if the ma**h***s lock me up it will be the right thing to do.

it was said earlier that mass would prefer raped girls over dead offenders, thats true and obama would rather dead american to waterboarding terrorists. welcome to the late great USA
And this is what happens when you don't fight back home invaders:

+1 good find. That was the story that came to my mind too. Almost exactly the same situation, with a very different ending. When I first heard about the Wichita story, it seared in my mind the resolution that I would always fight an armed attacker, no matter whether I am armed or not. I would much rather have a 1% chance of living and die fighting than be on my knees in a soccer field waiting my turn to be shot in the head. That incident, even more so than Flight 93, convinced me of that.

What I would like to see is someone compare the Wichita case with the current happy ending case and show the difference between citizens being armed versus being unarmed and send it to every newspaper/blog in the country. Hell, I might do it myself....
+1 good find. That was the story that came to my mind too. Almost exactly the same situation, with a very different ending. When I first heard about the Wichita story, it seared in my mind the resolution that I would always fight an armed attacker, no matter whether I am armed or not. I would much rather have a 1% chance of living and die fighting than be on my knees in a soccer field waiting my turn to be shot in the head. That incident, even more so than Flight 93, convinced me of that.

What I would like to see is someone compare the Wichita case with the current happy ending case and show the difference between citizens being armed versus being unarmed and send it to every newspaper/blog in the country. Hell, I might do it myself....

This type of situation rarely ends well for the people attacked...

Compliance with armed invaders is going to probably end in you and the family / friends being killed. Do not operate under the illusion that cooperating is going to save the lives of your loved ones. If "they" have made a decision to break in knowing full well people are there, then they have more than robbery in mind.
This type of situation rarely ends well for the people attacked...

Compliance with armed invaders is going to probably end in you and the family / friends being killed. Do not operate under the illusion that cooperating is going to save the lives of your loved ones. If "they" have made a decision to break in knowing full well people are there, then they have more than robbery in mind.

You got it. In the Wichita case, the lone survivor tried "bonding" with one of the intruders, having him promise multiple times that the intruders wouldn't shoot anyone, they just wanted money, etc. (and she survived by accident, she was still shot in the head)

It's human nature to want to believe someone who promises not to hurt you, it brings you instant relief and excuses you from taking action when you are frozen in fear. But why on earth would you ever trust a stranger not to lie when you've just witnessed them commit armed robbery??
Gee, I wonder why this story didn't make it over to The Gun Guys uber-unbiased blog. [rolleyes]

Bailey said the gunmen started counting bullets. “The other guy asked how many (bullets) he had. He said he had enough,” said Bailey.

If the initial home invasion wasn't enough justification to start shooting, this certainly was.

Sometimes, you just know what you have to do.


When I read that news article I thought it was a sick joke. To make it worse, it hardly made a blip on the national news scene.

I spent a few late nights reading through this massive thread on Glocktalk. I put a lot of thought into what I read in posts #426 and #430 of that thread.

A group of friends enjoying a quiet night out by the river wind up getting raped multiple times and murdered.

I hear all the time from people that crooks are cowards, they won't hurt you, just give them your wallet and they won't hurt you, give them what they want and they'll leave you alone.

When we're told about rapists in the news, it's about serial rapists like Jeffrey Dahmer or the BTK killer. But the more I've read articles outside of the mainstream media, the more I'm seeing cases where a rape is a crime of opportunity. It sickens and disgusts me.

I like late night walks by the water, and I've been out a few times with small groups of friends doing the exact same thing that those victims were. I can't imagine the pain and humiliation that they went through in the minutes before they died. I can't fathom watching that, seeing something so vile done to one of my friends as I lay on the ground, wondering if the guy counting the money from my wallet is going to kill me after him and his friends finish raping my friends.

I've always been the type of person who stands up to bullies, who will protect both myself and others from harm.

But when I read that at 3 in the morning, it solidified something in me. It really drove home to me how important it is to not leave yourself at the mercy of criminals and madmen.

I carry everywhere I'm legally able to, and avoid the places I can't. I play it safe, obey the laws, and avoid trouble whenever I can.

I can honestly say that I sincerely hope that I never have to take the life of anyone, not even a scumbag criminal, but if I'm ever brought to that point, I won't hesitate.

With summer coming up, I look forward to walking along the beach at night, spending time with friends and family with the cool night air on my skin, taking the time to enjoy the things that I love with the people I care about.

But I'll do it armed, and I'll fight to my death before I let anyone ever go through that.
If the initial home invasion wasn't enough justification to start shooting, this certainly was.

If somebody invades my house, there's going to be issues. They don't need to start counting bullets. They need to start praying to their deity of choice.
If somebody invades my house, there's going to be issues. They don't need to start counting bullets. They need to start praying to their deity of choice.

I agree with you, my point is only that if someone does something like that after invading my house (or my friend's house while I'm visiting), it creates an overwhelming amount of evidence in my favor that I was justified to shoot.

Don't worry, I won't kow-tow to home invaders who can't count the ammo in their mags. [wink]
Murder, rape, and pillage. In that order. Maybe murder men, rape, murder women, pillage. Yeah, that works better.

Way off topic... but Rob's statement reminded of a quote from the movie Blazing Saddles... the scene where they are interviewing a bunch of desperadoes to attack the town of Rock Ridge and are asking their qualifications:

Hedley Lamarr: Qualifications?
Applicant: Rape, murder, arson, and rape.
Hedley Lamarr: You said rape twice.
Applicant: I like rape.

That movie had so many scenese that made me laugh... and I recognize this quote is not funny out of this context... but in the movie with the moronic characters involved it was a hoot! It was all about irreverence.

Then there was the memorable campfire scene. And of course Mongo.


Great outcome! Not to throw a damper on things, but I'm surprised there was no mention of whether whoever owned the gun in the backpack was in legal posession of it. Maybe in Georgia its not a big deal, but it would be if it was MA!

In Mass the armed citizen preventing the rape/murders would be in big trouble for creating a "hazardous work environment" for the criminal.
Hey, scum sucking criminals have rights too.
Way off topic... but Rob's statement reminded of a quote from the movie Blazing Saddles... the scene where they are interviewing a bunch of desperadoes to attack the town of Rock Ridge and are asking their qualifications:

Hedley Lamarr: Qualifications?
Applicant: Rape, murder, arson, and rape.
Hedley Lamarr: You said rape twice.
Applicant: I like rape.



Where do you think I got the idea? [wink] [smile]
I'm still new here, so this is probably a stupid question...

Is MA bad enough that said resident in this story would get prosecuted if this occurred in MA????

Are there any links to similar stories in MA that discuss the outcome of the legal gun owner getting in more trouble then the criminal? I'm just curious and I would like to read them.

Its just hard to get my mind around the fact that most legal gun owners are facing huge problems for protecting themselves.
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