Colbert's packing major heat

That was pretty funny. I wish the camera angle was flipped to show Helmke's face when Colbert "unholstered" his first handgun. He must have nearly had a stroke*!

*One could only wish.
Watching Colbert Report or the John Stewart Show (or CNN) in efforts of obtaining "News" is like shopping for groceries on the floor of a dog kennel. I tend to avoid watching these guys entirely. I especially avoid them if they are talking about something I feel strongly about. I remember John Stewart tried going on Crossfire to criticize one of the anchors there and I just couldn't take him seriously. He was shaking like a leaf while he was trying to make his point seriously. Unfortunately those ass clowns will never be taken seriously and their tenure is almost up there and they won't be able to do anything else. These liberal minded jokesters tend to express liberal views. I really am all set with them.
We all know Colbert's shtick is SATIRICAL - and IMHO he's pretty darn funny - but what I found most interesting was how poorly that Brady Campaign stiff arguing his case. He seemed flustered and confused. Where's your sense of humor, dude? In the end, Colbert had to bail him out by listing reasons why firearms - statistically speaking - are dangerous. But up until those last 30 seconds, Colbert's bazooka-toting character definitely had the argument won. Hands down.
[rofl] It sucks that he had to throw in that last bit at the end there. But that made me chuckle. I just love how he starts pulling guns out of his jacket like that. Then at the end when that small pistol slips out of his jacket and into his hand for the hand shake.
Watching Colbert Report or the John Stewart Show (or CNN) in efforts of obtaining "News" is like shopping for groceries on the floor of a dog kennel. I tend to avoid watching these guys entirely. I especially avoid them if they are talking about something I feel strongly about. I remember John Stewart tried going on Crossfire to criticize one of the anchors there and I just couldn't take him seriously. He was shaking like a leaf while he was trying to make his point seriously. Unfortunately those ass clowns will never be taken seriously and their tenure is almost up there and they won't be able to do anything else. These liberal minded jokesters tend to express liberal views. I really am all set with them.

thats spot on, they are only liked because its funny news, everyone in America is scared to listen to real news because liberals are scared of everything and would rather just block it all out like it never existed..

I usta thought Colbert was conservative, but he's not he's just a greedy a**h*** in it for pay check...he loves playing the crazy conservative talking points, but sometimes he does make good points playing the crazy conservative.
colbert is no way a conservative! He is ultra liberal. He just hides it with his sarcasm. Listen to the tirade at the end of that video again if you think there is 1 oz. of conservative in him.
Ma**h***, John Stewart and Colbert are on Comedy Central. They would be the last people to tell you to take them seriously, as their job is in fact the opposite of that. They want to make you laugh.

I find very few television news sources these days that I can take seriously. No one presents unbiased news. Fox News has a conservative bias, MSNBC has a liberal bias. I want to know what is happening in the world. I don't want to know if your anchors think it's good or bad - I can decide that for myself. I find I have a much more productive time with the newspaper.

Also, to those of you discussing it, Steven Colbert is very liberal. I think he uses satire well though.

I would also like to emphasize (not speaking of colbert or anyone else in particular here) that "liberal" and "anti-gun" are not synonymous, as many people on this site and elsewhere like to imply.
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