Any firearm (with the exception of black powder hand guns or muskets that do not use a cartridge - they are referred to as "primitive weapons") must be registered with the state by using an FA-10. So, yes, you need to fill out an FA-10.
Actually Lynne any gun made before 1899 (or 1898, you need to check the exact date) is considered "antique" and NO registration is required. This is regardless of type of ammo used.
Actually Lynne any gun made before 1899 (or 1898, you need to check the exact date) is considered "antique" and NO registration is required. This is regardless of type of ammo used.
I was refering to the repros we use in our civil war events Len (I should have clarified it more), altho I do use an honest to goodness Springfield that's not a repro. Works better than some of the new ones I've seen. And I believe it was 1898, but I won't cast that in stone...