CHSB Firearms Database

Jun 24, 2008
North of MA
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I read on another forum that the CHSB does indeed keep a database of Firearms purchases. According to the post, they are only for sales/transfers that take place at a MA dealer.

I was under the impression this was illegal. I am also curious as to why certain groups outside of the CHSB would have access to query the database.

Anyone know anything about this?
I have heard the same thing, they can only see purchases from a FFL and not tranferrs done though fa-10's probably because those are scanned. But I wonder if they can see them now if you use the online version. They aren't suppose to be registering them!
Yes they do. There is NO state law prohibiting such activity.

There is NO truth to the rumor that they can only see dealer sales/transfers.

CJIS/LE can see ANYTHING that is in the database. LE access was the whole purpose of setting up said database in the first place.

All transactions are scanned into the same database, whether by paper or electronically submitted the data is all there in one place.
That they can collect the registrations is legal and may even be ruled constitutional. However, that anyone can access that info under any circumstances is a much larger question. That any of this info can be used without a warrant is a very important question that needs to be answered.
That they can collect the registrations is legal and may even be ruled constitutional. However, that anyone can access that info under any circumstances is a much larger question. That any of this info can be used without a warrant is a very important question that needs to be answered.
More correctly, it is an abuse that needs to be addressed...
I recently spoke to someone who told me of LEO's arriving at a domestic disturbance call (that he initiated) with a list of the firearms registered to the address they were responding to.

Big brother is indeed watching.

The person who opened the door learned too late, a valuable, painful lesson about letting LEOs search your house without warrant. [sad2]

Be careful out there people.
The restriction OP1/2 may be thinking of is an idea at the Federal level that 4473 info is not supposed to be tracked. It is.

At the state level, there is no, and never was any such restriction on what the CHSB does with your data.

One of many reasons we need to push to shut this entity down...
I recently spoke to someone who told me of LEO's arriving at a domestic disturbance call (that he initiated) with a list of the firearms registered to the address they were responding to.

Big brother is indeed watching.

The person who opened the door learned too late, a valuable, painful lesson about letting LEOs search your house without warrant. [sad2]

Be careful out there people.

Mike, in response to a DV call, the police do NOT need a warrant to enter (a DV call is treated as "exigent circumstances" in the system) and they routinely will advise responding officers of any permits held at that location, and thus a list of guns to confiscate is not to be unexpected. Refusal to allow them to confiscate WILL result in a search warrant where they will tear the place up looking for everything. That's just the way it is . . . not the way it should be.
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