Cartridge Conversion Cylinder?


Can you translate that into English for us please?

I'll take a stab at assuming what you mean (playing "Carnac" here):

- MANY dealers will not ship "the time of day" into MA to avoid the wrath of a rabid lunatic (Tom Reilly).

- Plain and simple, it has nothing to do with laws, it has to do with avoiding legal fees fighting a dictator in a "foreign land" (MA) with judges that are likely to "go with the local boy" rather than interpret law as written and intended. Reilly has "home court advantage" (pun intended) when he sues out of state companies.

- Many people/companies are "litigation adverse", and take "preventative measures" that far exceed any legal requirements.

How did "Carnac" do?
I'll try. Converting the BP to fire a cartridge will no longer classify it as a BP so the possessor would now need an LTC?
How did "Carnac II" do?
Thanks Carnac

I was being too cynical.

Here's my non-cynical question:

I'm a cowboy shooter. As you know it apparently will never again be possible to get anything other than a Ruger in this state to shoot SA.

I had the idea to buy black powder SA's from Uberti and then buy a conversion cartiridge cylinder because I don't want to do black powder.

I assumed that somewhere there is some obscure law telling me why that is illegal in MA.

Rather than asking if it was OK, I skipped ahead to the question about where the law is that prohibits it. Hope that explains it a little more. Sorry for the confusion
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