Can you shoot accurately with both eyes open?

I asked a new shooter taking our NRA certified First Steps and I asked her, do you know which is your dominant eye? She said I’m pretty sure it’s my right eye. So she performed the both hands extended drawing back to your dominant eye drill while I was standing begin her. She said yep, it’s my right eye while she turned to me with left prosthetic eye in one hand.

Now that's funny.
Cross Dominance

Since I was a kid I always shot a rifle leftie, even though I'm right handed. My Dad would make me pull the trigger with my right hand but I would always switch back until he finally gave up. I'm realitivly new to hand guns, believe it or not my wife & daughter got me into hand guns, so I just assumed I would shoot with my strong hand. I'm a mediorce rifle shooter but I sucked with a hand gun. I was using a Weaver stance, bringing my hands across my body to my left, tilting my head down and to the right and closing my right eye. Someone up at Bob's in Salisbury said I should try it with both eyes open. I also have Binocular Diplopia (Double Vision) which is some kind of misalignment of the eyes. I tried keeping both eyes open and just shot between the guns. What an improvement, I sucked much less. Eventually I started shooting leftie with my right eye closed. I've been told that Double Vision can be corrected with some type of eye exercise therapy. Someday I'd like to be able to shoot with both eyes open, but for now, I'm happy being a meiorce cross dominant shot with a hand gun.
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Both eys open unless it's a scoped rifle. As for the target or sights...sights, I can always tell when I'm not focusing on the front sight, my groups open up.
Interesting responses. I shoot 2 eyes at times but one most of the time. All because of vision limitations. Bright lights bother me as part of the problem but old age is a factor also. As for real world vs games, I prefer games. Anyone thinking these games prepare them for real world is not in it.
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