Can you articulate why modern conservativism is destructive to America?

Contemporary conservatism is only half as damaging as contemporary liberalism. It is the least of two evils. They sell an image of freedom, cloaked in bigger government. The type of conservatism some of us seek would be too extreme to the likes of most of the R party.
Contemporary conservatism = contemporary liberalism. The net result is the same. Its just that either side claims that the means for those ends come from different reasons than the other.

Shall we just call modern politics contemporaryism? There isn't enough difference to segregate the two any longer. Or should we just call it what it really is? Socialism.
I could be a little off base as to what is covered under "contemporary conservatism" but so far as I know:

Contemporary Conservatism (assuming we are not just talking about fiscal conservatism) seems to have strong roots in religious principles and supposed "good christian values".
While in many ways this is not bad, it does however lead to things such as banning gay marriage (cause the bible say a man shall not lay with another man blah blah blah...) and other intrusions on personal privacy/liberty such as banning abortions.
I think the same conservatism is generally blamed for the discouragement and/or banning of things such as stem-cell research (cause obviously once that catches on we will start killing people to get more stem-cells...).

I can't think of any other examples at the moment.
Neo-conservatism is still based in conservatism. The tenants of conservatism are a class based society, tradition, government intervention in the economy, and elitism. True conservatism is like the old English birthright system; you are born into a social class and there you should remain - Libertarian tenants of equality of opportunity and meritocracy do not exist in conservatism.

Neocons add in religious fervor but still based many of their beliefs on tradition and social classes as the basis of society. Women's place is in the home, it's OK for a government to intrude into private life if the cause is "moral" (according to them), and government intervention in the economy is welcomed as a true free market is too unruly for conservatives. Neocons resemble the Puritans in many ways - they want freedom as long as they get to define what freedom means.
Depends on what modern conservatism looks like. The most obvious examples of destructive ideals I've seen from modern, self-described conservatives are:
1) Completely unconsidered support for anything labeled as 'military/defense' - Like entitlement programs, our military is far larger than it needs to be to defend this country, and it doesn't need to be in permanent foreign bases all over the world to do so either.

2) Failure to understand the concept of separation of church and state - Most obviously manifested in the gay marriage debate, but crops up whenever religion is cited as justification for public policy (for or against).

3) Staunch support of the war on drugs/war on terror/war on plural nouns - The militarization of American police has given us this, among other tragedies, and the war on terror is why we have the PATRIOT ACT and the TSA.

There are many other problems that are endemic to both modern liberals and modern conservatives, but for this thread (and the other one, which I'm working on a post for), it seems like we should stick to things that are distinct to the specific movement in question.
At 47 I have lived roughly 20% of American history. I've watched both parties take turns putting us where we are today.

Conservatives want to legislate ( restrict ) social behavior; Drug & sex related mostly. Whatever good stuff the Conservatives want to leave alone - the Liberals are after.
... And I wouldn't lend money to either party,

Still waiting for the Party that wants to start pruning government, deleting laws ,& leave me alone.
Neo-conservatism is still based in conservatism. The tenants of conservatism are a class based society, tradition, government intervention in the economy, and elitism. True conservatism is like the old English birthright system; you are born into a social class and there you should remain - Libertarian tenants of equality of opportunity and meritocracy do not exist in conservatism.

That depends on your definition of conservatism. That isnt' how I define it.

Neocons add in religious fervor but still based many of their beliefs on tradition and social classes as the basis of society. Women's place is in the home, it's OK for a government to intrude into private life if the cause is "moral" (according to them), and government intervention in the economy is welcomed as a true free market is too unruly for conservatives. Neocons resemble the Puritans in many ways - they want freedom as long as they get to define what freedom means.

That's an awful generalization to make. Sure, some of the Judeo-Christian sects now are starting to resemble this with blind agreement with government in many ways, but Christianity in essence does not follow this at all. Render to Ceasar what is Caesar's, render to God what is God's. The pussification of America, in many ways, is also the pussification of Christianity.
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You just get hit over the head with a Bible instead of a rousing chorus of "Save the Orphans". Either one causes a headache.

Personally i hate political parties. I say let each person stand on their voting record. We elect politicians to represent the majority (that showed up to vote) based on how they say they want to legislate in their campaign. They should not be allowed to vote "present" and we should be voting them out of office if they do not vote as we elected them to.
And i wish politicians wouldn't feel the need to constantly write bills and pass laws just for the sake of doing so.... to justify their job i guess.
Umm, nice try.

Conservatism fails when it is compromised by contemporary liberalism.

Conservatism only hurts Americans who are unwilling to help themselves.

I will tolerate most strains of conservatism so long as I am left alone.

No democrats, libtards, progressives or socialists are capable of leaving me alone.
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