Campus Shooting - U. of N. Illinois

What Crap! NRA gets my lifetime membership tonight.

These people are nuts, why lets not commit / lock anybody up. Give them more MEDS. I have had it with this type of stuff & the media potrayal of it. Did the cops get this guy? NO, he killed himself. It was a one way ticket and he knew he was going to die. There is good reason why I carry a firearm each day. Protect your damn self because nobody else will do it for you.
NRA gets my money tonight...Three hundred dollars for a lifetime membership (my dad's an endowment member back in KY). No more of this year at a time stuff.
GOAL gets my money next paycheck. After that NE Shooters for the next two and a half years (my time left in the Peoples Republic Of MASS).
A Pissed Off (upset)
This just further proves that "Gun Free Zones" deter crime. The sign must not have been clearly posted.[shocked]
This shit can't suck enough! Gun free zone! Couldn't the pissweed REED![sad]
These people are nuts, why lets not commit / lock anybody up. Give them more MEDS. I have had it with this type of stuff & the media potrayal of it. Did the cops get this guy? NO, he killed himself. It was a one way ticket and he knew he was going to die. There is good reason why I carry a firearm each day. Protect your damn self because nobody else will do it for you.
NRA gets my money tonight...Three hundred dollars for a lifetime membership (my dad's an endowment member back in KY). No more of this year at a time stuff.
GOAL gets my money next paycheck. After that NE Shooters for the next two and a half years (my time left in the Peoples Republic Of MASS).
A Pissed Off (upset)

+1. I am willing to stand up and be counted too. If GOAL would arrange for some type of demonstration or rally I would participate.

The Herald had an article today about the murderer Tavares that Mass. released and murdered the WA state couple. The WA state DA stated that he resents that MA does not take violent criminals seriously. Soft on criminals and hard on citizens is a recurrent MA theme. We need to get into the faces of these shitbirds who think they have lifetime employment and crap all over hard working moral citizens.

I for one appreciate GOAL's lobbying efforts, but we need to be out there hammering home the message that we won't tolerate the coddling of criminals and we want oppressive laws that essentially prevent self-protection stopped.

With all due respect to proponents of gay message, this is how they got what they wanted. They got in people's faces and hammered the message home. And personally, I got their message and am happy for them.

WE need to get our message out too, be counted, and start pressuring anti legislators, candidates, and police chiefs who want their contracts renewed.

We need to get beyond our personal gripes and support every issue which comes up because we are effected by all of them. Remove the current discrimnation and prevent future discrimination.
Thanks for the backing. I am with you ready to demonstrate or rally. Everybody else gets their time to jump up in peoples faces. Not the lawful gun owners in this country. That has to change.
I am from the "Guns R Bad" state of IL (lived the first 23 years of my life there). I will never move back there, CCW is that important to me. It is my job to protect my family not the cops (state).
"Gun free zones" turn shootings into slaughters.

Smitty, I don't blame you one bit. When the state insists on taking a power for self-reliance from you, and then consistently fails to adequately provide for the power they took from you... well, no surprise you won't play that game again.
On Fox news, they were interviewing a student (er...sheep) and was asking about the whole experience and whether she felt safe on campus:

"Well, like, I have like always felt safe here."

Baaaaaaaa! Baaaaaaaaa!

I fear for the future of this country...

The United States of America: Turning law abiding citizens into victims, one gun-free-zone at a time.
Illinois is a gun free state...

Gun free? I this Chicago might be but not the whole state. No CCW licenses either from what I remember.

These gun shootings on schools grounds are despicable. Lowly, lowly humans. This kind of shit is going to screw us law abinding gun owners.
Unfortunately, the way that these attacks work, the only ways to deal with them are for either everyone to be vigilant and watch for the signs that someone's breaking down, and for more people to carry concealed everywhere. Have to try to prevent whatever mental breakdowns cause people to snap, and have to have quick, sufficient force available to end the threats when they do arise. CCW by itself won't work, because it's only reactionary and means someone is likely to get shot before the shooter can be taken down, and prevention won't work by itself because some always slip through the cracks.

And please don't give that "these college kids are sheep, they don't deserve to be defended" bullshit. Who knows how many of them would carry on campus given the chance? The loss of innocent life is always something you want to prevent.
This trend is disturbing. I'm in the process of re-entering the academic world for a few work related courses, and I'm debating my self defense options on campus, legal or otherwise.

I feel for these kids, because I'm sure not all of them are sheep, but they were just obeying the signs by leaving their guns at home.
I was speaking to a friend in the Chicago area last night and she was understandably upset with the shooting.

What I found disturbing was her irrational fear that people carried guns at all. When I pointed out that there were over a dozen schools that allowed it, she was flabergasted, and asked me how I would feel about my daughters attending such a school.

She wasn't happy with my response.
Oh yea, How is that texting thing going along with the gun free signs and direct dial to 911. I know of atleast 6 that might disagree it was successful. Ask the wounded and still alive. Good thing the cops got there in time to take him down! Oh, I forgot THEY DIDN"T because he already offed himself!
Illinois State law:

FOID required for possession of any gun (As the MA FID had been)
[Chicago, Morton Grove, and some other ban handguns completely]



There probably were no No Guns signs on campus because no one anywhere in IL is allowed to carry. I imagine that there are campus residence rules that ban weapons (even with FOID), but they wouldn't have helped in this instance.

This is another example of "When seconds count, police are only minutes away." Response here was was great -- just not in time.
"The message basically was: There's a gunman on campus, stay where you are, make yourself as safe as possible," he said.

How about..... NO!! If this "gunman" wants to shoot me he's gonna have to hit a moving target. And I love how they couldn't identify the shotgun or the small caliber handgun, but could identify the "Glock". I wouldn't be surprised if it was a Sigma or a XD or something.
They got in people's faces and hammered the message home. And personally, I got their message and am happy for them.
That will be hard to do if gunowners go with a strategy of "don't let anyone know you own guns" - something which is rather common advice.
As a former IL resident, lived there 23 years, there is no CCW, Chicago is basicly a gun free zone (home of the sheep), and the damn governor tries to run the state from Chicago not the state house / governors place in Springfield. He under investigation for using the states jet to travel back and forth ffrom his house to Springfield. The past governor was a 100% crook . IL has all it's problems because the people (mostly rual) lost / let the political monster (DEMOCRATIC PARTY) in Chicago where mayor Daily fancies himself KING take over.
I will not move back ther for anything on earth. IL can take my state VA scholarship and shove it.
I wil be in KY when I retire (well armed & within the law) where the people have not let a few idiots in Louisville take over the whole place.
Our society doesn't feel that we shoould lock up people who are nuts / a threat to the rest of us. Do you really think there are fewer crazy people now than there were 35 years ago? All of our older mental hopitals are now nearly empty these days. No there are just as many (if not more), it's just that now we give them prescription meds and let them walk around in world.
f he had a GLOCK, the MOONBATS will now try and ban the evil Glock assault weapons now so all you fans of the "plastic fantastic" had better look out.
I fear worse more restrictive times and gun laws are coming for us shooters. It was similar shootings like this in England & Australia that gave the politicians a chance to lead the people down the primrose path to being toally unarmed and oh so safe.
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Unfortunately, the way that these attacks work, the only ways to deal with them are for either everyone to be vigilant and watch for the signs that someone's breaking down, and for more people to carry concealed everywhere. Have to try to prevent whatever mental breakdowns cause people to snap, and have to have quick, sufficient force available to end the threats when they do arise. CCW by itself won't work, because it's only reactionary and means someone is likely to get shot before the shooter can be taken down, and prevention won't work by itself because some always slip through the cracks.

And please don't give that "these college kids are sheep, they don't deserve to be defended" bullshit. Who knows how many of them would carry on campus given the chance? The loss of innocent life is always something you want to prevent.

+1 Good positive post too.
They got in people's faces and hammered the message home. And personally, I got their message

This group and others assume the mantel of victimhood whose rights are being violated.

The general public sees only dissonance if gun owners try to take on victimhood -- and we don't want to anyway.

Then, there is a lack of symetry in the law. Civil Rights protestors would sit at a lunch counter or at the front of the bus. Perhaps arrested, they soon were free to protest again. Carry a gun without approval, and you do felony time. When you get out, you can't even own a gun legally. Whereas the civil rights protester can still right the back of the bus (as insulting as that is) even if the law wasn't changed.

Try a big demonstration like the Black Panthers did in California years back. They notice that CA had never got around to ban carrying rifles in public (or some variation). So a bunch of BPs head to the the State House in Sacramento with long guns. This scared the crap out of nearly everyone, and the Legislature quickly made the laws worse (closed the long gun loophole [smile] )

The only dramatic gun demonstration that I know that works can only be used in a few places for a limited purpose: In states that have a clear State RKBA such that "open carry" is legal, but there is no CCW or only descretionary CCW, "Open Carry Marches" work great. The message is clear and simple -- If you don't want to see guns, pass laws to our liking that let us carry them concealed.
The kids these days in college are the product of a bankrupt educational system that has sold out a LONG time ago to the liberal establishment.

Bottom line: If you can say you are feeling "safe" in a Gun-Free-Zone after witnessing a massacre at your school, you are living in denial (and are officially part of the sheepole class)! Personally, I would like to know the percentage increase that you will be assaulted in a Gun-Free-Zone?

Hmmmm.... For ~30 years, that was D.C. and how did that work out for them? [thinking]
"If he had different gun, it would have been worse," said Kevin.

Can you please explain with all of the deaths and casualties, how this could have been worse? [thinking] EBR? [rolleyes]

"Get to a safe area and take precautions until given the all clear. Avoid the King Commons and all buildings in that vicinity," the Web site posting read.

Would that safe area be.... A GUN-FREE-ZONE!!! [rolleyes][thinking]

The kids these days in college are the product of a bankrupt educational system that has sold out a LONG time ago to the liberal establishment.

Bottom line: If you can say you are feeling "safe" in a Gun-Free-Zone after witnessing a massacre at your school, you are living in denial (and are officially part of the sheepole class)! Personally, I would like to know the percentage increase that you will be assaulted in a Gun-Free-Zone?

Hmmmm.... For ~30 years, that was D.C. and how did that work out for them? [thinking]

Of course. But the antis would argue that we just need to extend the gun free zones to cover all 50 states. Like all the guns will suddenly vanish in thin air, and we will lose all knowledge regarding firearm construction.
MSNBC has an article posted that I found interesting. No idea about the validity of the stats.

Much has been said about Chicago's laws regarding firearms but this area is said to be about sixty miles away. What are the statutes regarding firearms in this area?

As far as Gun Free Zones and Drug Free Zones they never were and never will prevent those crimes from occurring. They were simply put in place to give the courts another charge to pile on is caught violating those statutes. No one in their right mind would think a relatively minor criminal charge will stop someone who is intending to kill himself at the end of this types of incidents. And lets face it. Every actor in these incidents winds up dead, either by his own hand or by that of another. They know it is a one way trip.
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It's amazing how the gun free cities across the nation always have a higher violent crime rate. [thinking]

[sarcasm] That's a tough one to figure out. [/sarcasm]
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