Busted by my daughter!


NES Member
Jul 23, 2012
Feedback: 66 / 0 / 0
Yesterday my daughter busted me for carrying. She gave me a hug, and I did the old put the gun side arm down trick for an awkward, but protective hug.

Then she gives me this look, like, "What are you doing?!"

I asked, "What?"

She responds, "Are you kidding? Do you think I just fell off the turnip truck?!" She, clearly, knew my secret.

So, I confessed that sometimes, rarely, I carry for practice and comfort, but I usually don't!

She's 13, and has gone shooting with me many times since she was about 8.

I'm sure I'm not the only one on earth who has been exposed, but I'd love to hear others' experiences. Thanks!

And btw, hopefully I'm not starting a thread that's been done before…..
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Yeah, other people including my family and distant family know I carry. Nothing was said, just invitations to the range.

BTW I don't think you need to confess to your 13yr old daughter that you carry, don't make it taboo.
My son knows I carry.

My parents know I have guns, but so far haven't detected my carry gun when I see them. Other than a few close friends, no one knows outside of my wife and son.
I just tell people that it's a gun shaped cellphone, in a holster shaped cellphone holder.

13 and still hugging? You're doing something right. :)
You must deter hugs than disclose your secret. Or not...

Good on you for getting hugs from your daughter at that age...


I'm amazed they still have turnip trucks....

Me too!

and yet...


First, why hide it from your daughter? Mine are 13 & 15,go to the range with me frequently (car shoot most recently) and know I carry.

As I've told them, and they are well aware "Only a good guy with a gun stops a bad guy with one" and they know if they are around I would be the good guy. They know why I sit with my back to the wall when we go out, why I spend a few seconds looking around the parking lot when we get out of the car or walk out of the store...

Don't demonize or hide it. It's a tool. It's for her (their) protection. "It's because protecting you is my job, my duty, and my privilege."

Yeah, and getting hugs from them (although I can only kiss my 15 y/o on the top of the head) in public is a glorious thing:) Good for you for having that relationship!
First, why hide it from your daughter? Mine are 13 & 15,go to the range with me frequently (car shoot most recently) and know I carry.

This. Both my daughters know I carry oldest is almost 6 now. As for hugs, I don't try to block that side when I get them. I've had people put their arm right on it and not realize I was carrying. Besides, anyone who is going to hug me already knows I carry, or I'm not going to mind them knowing.
I get exactly what you mean and yes, you're very lucky and must be a great Dad that she still gives you hugs. My kids learned a long time ago (3 of 'em and they range in age from 33 to 27) that Daddy carries when he wants because he CAN and he's still Daddy, not some dangerous man, when he carries his firearm They got that many Moons ago :)
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That was a really creepy post,I read it a second time and it was creepier than the first.

don't bring us down to your world, dude, although apparently I wasn't careful enough with wording!

and thanks to everybody else for the feedback!
My parents don't know i have real guns inside the house. because they thought those are airsoft guns. My airsoft guns i have them laying outside, unloaded, battery disconnected around my room likes it is lego toys. My real guns i locked them up and hide them lol.
I carry more often now than ever.. especially when going to very public places with my family(have 3 girls). I refuse to let something happen to any of them if I have a chance to prevent it or stop it. They don't know I'm carrying most of the time because i keep my pistol well concealed.
Not actually sure why you are hiding the fact u carry from your imediate family anyway. My wife and son absolutely know I carry every time I leave the house. Getting my revolver is as natural as grabbing the car keys. As it should be. Why was your daughter "upset" when she found out? If you don't mind me asking.
you will know she is all growed up when she says "hey, im carrying too, want to see mine?" and pulls out a 9mm shield.
I hug everybody. I just do not press my lower body (dry hump) my friends, guests, or family.[grin]? Except the hot looking ones..... And they just say, you either carry or you are haaaaaapppy to see me.
Never had that problem.
Yesterday my daughter busted me for carrying. She gave me a hug, and I did the old put the gun side arm down trick for an awkward, but protective hug.

Then she gives me this look, like, "What are you doing?!"

I asked, "What?"

She responds, "Are you kidding? Do you think I just fell off the turnip truck?!" She, clearly, knew my secret.

So, I confessed that sometimes, rarely, I carry for practice and comfort, but I usually don't!

She's 13, and has gone shooting with me many times since she was about 8.

I'm sure I'm not the only one on earth who has been exposed, but I'd love to hear others' experiences. Thanks!

And btw, hopefully I'm not starting a thread that's been done before…..

And? Why hide the fact you CCW from immediate family?

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Is that a real thing that your daughter will not hug or kiss you? Mine is 20 and I have never not been able to hug or kiss her. I dont think she has ever been around when I was not carrying. Its just part of how I dress.
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