Breaking News - David Ortiz shot during attempted robbery

It being a Spanish culture country, I expect that the police will beat confessions out of most of them. A couple of the key actors will then be shot trying to escape.

Like that scene in Casablanca where Captain Renault is trying to decide if Ugarte killed himself or was shot trying to escape.
When one runs for political office their personal life becomes fair game. And I suspect Mr. Ortiz would prefer some of his personal life stay off the radar.


I read one article talking about how he’s made a conscious effort to stay out of politics. He gets credit for that. Hopefully he sticks with it and doesn’t sign up to be the new face of gun control.
Hey Big Poopie, I've got some advice for you....
Never rub another mans rhubarb.
You can think about this while you dine on ice chips as your intestines heal.
No rice and beans for you.
I told my wife that if the rumors panned out that Ortiz was messing with a druglord's wife and he ordered the hit, they'd cover it up and say it was mistaken identity. And sure enough, they came out last night on the news that it was a case of mistaken identity. Yeah, right...
I told my wife that if the rumors panned out that Ortiz was messing with a druglord's wife and he ordered the hit, they'd cover it up and say it was mistaken identity. And sure enough, they came out last night on the news that it was a case of mistaken identity. Yeah, right...

Nah. The police aren’t claiming that. The shooter is, so he doesn’t get lynched by the other inmates.

Agreed, though. There will be coverups galore by all kinds of people, not least the Red Sox. Nobody wants to admit St David could possibly have a flaw.
I told my wife that if the rumors panned out that Ortiz was messing with a druglord's wife and he ordered the hit, they'd cover it up and say it was mistaken identity. And sure enough, they came out last night on the news that it was a case of mistaken identity. Yeah, right...
Like everything else in life, and especially the world of $ports... cuz for some reason the American public thinks sports celebrities are "important", and hence you have, in some cases (translation: "especially in the NBA) ghetto gang banger thugs providing much of the "valuable entertainment" for the paying public willing to shell out hundreds of bucks a seat to watch the chest-pounding thugs do the spinning slam-dunk routine, a value is placed on you, and when a "commodity" that you "own" (ballplayers/etc) steps out of line/crosses the line/screws up etc? If you're TOO valuable to drop like a hot potato? They'll (ownership/league etc) huddle up and decide how "best" to mitigate the "crisis".
One example (out of the hundreds over the year, iin the world of sports alone, not to mention Hollywood etc):
Remember when marginally talented (by MLB standards) Sox infielder Wil Cordero beat the hell out of his wife in their Cambridge apartment? The Sox shipped his domestically violent (and hence completely politically incorrect in liberal Boston!) ass off to, I forget, Cleveland? Chicago? wherever...BUT.. if Cordero had been blessed with talent like an A-Rod or a Derek Jeter? The Sox would have determined the head-bashing that Mrs Cordero received that day to be nothing more than a "loud argument", they would have immediately huddled with the City of Cambridge officials (oops, Immean the "Official$$"), and the "unfortunate incident" would have been broomed by the CPD and the "lovely Cordero couple" would have been sent to the best marriage counseling, family counseling blah blah blah and Wil's wife would have been asked ("a$ked") to "Fut the shuck up and put this satchel of unmarked bills into your pocketbook" and the Sox would have "moved forward" from the incident and let "Wonderful Wil" lead them to multiple championships... (oops, I mean "Championship$")...

You or I would have been arrested, held, tried, convicted, sentenced, forced to pay everything we own(ed) to lawyers to AT LEAST let me have couch or cot to sleep on in our one room apartment somewhere, while our wife moved on after the divorce, with everything you or I own... ("owned").

It's always always ALL about the $$$$$.
just heard on the they're saying a case of mistaken identity. Wow. Talk about fake or manipulated news. 10 guys to plan and carry out a hit and they don't even know they guy they are trying to kill? I doubt that very much. Supposedly the shooter was supposed to shoot the other guy at the table. A guy named David as well but only he runs an auto body shop.

Fake BS news. My guess is they gave the shooter leniency to cop to trying to shoot the other guy. I also think Boston politicians and the Red Sox are involved in the cover up.

So fake news about the beloved Boston Sports hero.

Of course they are covering something up.

The amount of men willing to get on their knees in front of Ortiz because he plays sports ball is saddening,almost as bad as the Brady boys here. They cant let his image get spoiled so the man-love affair can continue with the house dads living vicariously through their sports ball heroes.

And why the hell do grown men call him "Big Papi " ? Gay as F

Do house dads not know what that translates to ?

What man refers to another man as big daddy ?

Sports ball fan men !
David Ortiz was not the intended target in murder-for-hire plot, prosecutor says.

Of course he was the intended target.
The DR is in full panic mode right now looking at the loss of millions of tourist dollars .
First a bunch of tourists ending up dead and now a popular sports star getting whacked right out in public.
Or wear an Ortiz Red Sox shirt, all those fans that wear them all the time and nobody ever gets shot.
Ironically I shot an IDPA match that same day wearing an Ortiz jersey somebody gave me. It makes a good hot weather cover garment while being stiff enough not to mess with my draw. I'm not good enough to rock a mesh vest without looking like a poser.
they'll send marines to the dr to rescue americans a la granada. sandals is under seige and 40 citizens are hunkered down neck deep in water at the pool bar. the dr campaign ribbon will be alternate vertical stripes of mauve and pastel green with either a gold, silver or bronze flip flop device sanctioned to be added pertaining to number of engagements participated in.
Somebody told me the cover up is that Ortiz was challenging the local Dominican drug lord for distributing drugs into the Northeast due to his many contacts here with the local Dominican gangs,so the hit was put on Ortiz to give him a warning.
He was banging someone’s girl.
And facilitating smuggling of Fentanyl into Boston using VIP status and private planes/vessels to skirt inspections.

Drug kingpins get pissed when you help the competition and dip your noodle in their girlfriend's canoodle.

Guy is a piece of shit and the city should take his name off everything, but the won't because of the bullshit 'legend' the Sox cultivated following the Marathon Bombing leeching off the atrocity for a marketing blitz. The way the Sox coopted BOSTON STRONG to promote themselves was disgusting and they damn well knew what Ortiz was up to when they went all Hollywood with him.
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