Boy Fires Gun into Neighbors Home

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Ok, so the family has had the police called on them multiple times, the oldest son is possibly a hell-raiser (and possibly just a fool), and the father apparently has a problem with both parenting and keeping his guns away from his kids. That said, I can understand if the police had to do something to get the point across to the father that he doesn't know how to discipline his kids about firearms, because if what you post is true, this is the 2nd incident (and I would usually shun away from police intervention in something like that, but 2 incidents where his kids took his guns without him knowing is the start of a pattern, so I would concede to it here).

I am, however, still looking for evidence (which will likely be heresay, considering you're getting it from people who may just have a grudge against the family) that the father lied to police, and that the 10 year old is already known to police. Just because his brother potentially is a hell-raiser doesn't mean he is as well, and the fact that the police have been called on the family doesn't mean much in this day and age - people will file complaints for the dumbest shit.
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I will also say that if indeed this is a problem family, that they need to be handled differently than if this was a first time thing.
I am AMAZED at the people defending these idiots. Find every excuse in the book to justify this,, but again, if it happened to your house I AM SURE, some of you would be singing a TOTALLY different tune. Good luck folks,,, get out more often and read what other people think about this. Trust me, I did some research on this before I opened up -- some of you should also before accepting what other say.
I am AMAZED at the people defending these idiots. Find every excuse in the book to justify this,, but again, if it happened to your house I AM SURE, some of you would be singing a TOTALLY different tune. Good luck folks,,, get out more often and read what other people think about this. Trust me, I did some research on this before I opened up -- some of you should also before accepting what other say.

All I know is what the article says. If you have facts then please share them.
Once, when I was about 8 years old, my family was visiting a friend of my mom's. I was playing in the back yard with the kids who lived there, and we were bored. I found a tennis racket, and the apple tree was loaded with small green apples. I picked an apple, and whacked it into the air with the tennis racket. "WOW! Look how far that went!"

Soon, we had a competition going. Who could hit an apple the furthest. They were flying well over the house, and God-knows-where.

Before long, an angry neighbor came walking up the walkway, holding a green apple with glass shreds in it. One of the apples had gone through her front window......

You can't shoot anything, bullets or apples, and not know where they are going to land.......

I'm just glad I didn't hit that lady with an apple (while she was eating dinner). The month long punishment would have been entirely worse!
I am AMAZED at the people defending these idiots. Find every excuse in the book to justify this,, but again, if it happened to your house I AM SURE, some of you would be singing a TOTALLY different tune. Good luck folks,,, get out more often and read what other people think about this. Trust me, I did some research on this before I opened up -- some of you should also before accepting what other say.

So what, you're done then? As for the part in bold, I don't put much stock into what people think about this. Hell, people didn't like my family growing up because I played my music too loud, threw parties, and we rode ATVs in my yard, but it didn't make me a delinquent (I was careful not to "disturb the peace" during the appropriate hours). If something stupid happened at our house, I'm sure I would have at least a few neighbors posting on the internet about how we're trouble, and it just wouldn't be true.

All I know is what the article says. If you have facts then please share them.

EXACTLY. I'm not trying to rag on you Wookie, I'm just trying to have an intelligent conversation on the matter. You may be right, who knows. I'm not convinced yet, that's for sure.
Good luck folks. I am done on this one. You can bash me and how I was trained/taught all you want. 99.99% of you have a fraction of the training in you that I have - so I expect resistance to logic.

There is NO excuse for this. ZERO. I'm not saying the kid should be hung, but the kid and his idiot father should be held accountable, they make all of us look bad.

But you guys make yourself look much worse by defending him and creating excuses.
Can someone tell me at what age should we start charging kids with felonies? personally I think 10 is a little young for a kid to comprehend ramifications for their actions as they relate to MA law re: firearms. Heck there are numerous people over the age of 50 that have lived in MA all their lives and still are not fully aware of the states firearm laws.
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I am done on this one. You can bash me and how I was trained/taught all you want. 99.99% of you have a fraction of the training in you that I have - so I expect resistance to logic.


Alrighty then.

ETA: Ok, I removed your quote from my signature, I felt a little bad singling you out like that. I find the new one much funnier anyways.
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Alrighty then.

I have always wanted to be quoted. Thank you.

BTW, here is a list of my favorite quotes....

" Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference. The Marines don't have that problem." - Ronald Reagan

" It is not the critic that counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who, at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never... be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat." - Theodore Roosevelt

" Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing." Abraham Lincoln

" Training is everything. The peach was once a bitter almond; cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education." - Mark Twain

" Success breeds arrogance and complacency." - Ross Perot

" You know what makes a good loser? Practice." - Ernest Hemingway

" A good plan violently executed NOW is better then a perfect plan next week." - George Patton

" The country needs and, unless I mistake its temper, the country demands bold, persistent experimentation. It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something. - Franklin D. Roosevelt

" You can observe a lot by watching." - Yogi Berra

" Great crises produce great men and great deeds of courage." - John F. Kennedy

" I risked much, but I made much." - P.T. Barnum

" Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible." - Frank Zappa

"Of every one hundred men, ten shouldn’t even be there; eighty are nothing but targets; nine are real fighters….We are lucky to have them….They make the battle. Ah; but one; one of them is a Warrior….And he will bring the others back." -Heraclitus

" Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do." - Bruce Lee

" My instinct was to win, eliminate anyone who was in competition, destroy my enemy, and move on without any hesitation at all." Arnold Schwarzenegger

" We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." Aristotle

" The test of character is not " hanging in there" when you expect a light at the end of a tunnel, but performance of duty and persistence of example when you know that no light is coming." James Stockdale

" Things which matter the most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least." - Goethe

" What we do in life echos through eternity." -Maximus, The Gladiator

"It is not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog that matters."- Harry Truman many people here got negative rep points from "theWookie" for this thread? I did (not that I really care) but I find it silly that people get so bent out of shape when others disagree with them. In my case it was because I joked about his improper use of commas. At least the commas are used correctly in the 20 quotes he posted above; but I guess that can be expected when one copies and pastes [laugh2]
" Success breeds arrogance and complacency." - Ross Perot

" You know what makes a good loser? Practice." - Ernest Hemingway
So you are trying to say you are a successful loser? since training=practice and arrogance=success many people here got negative rep points from "theWookie" for this thread? I did (not that I really care) but I find it silly that people get so bent out of shape when others disagree with them. In my case it was because I joked about his improper use of commas. At least the commas are used correctly in the 20 quotes he posted above; but I guess that can be expected when one copies and pastes [laugh2]

yeppers seems someone is more of a silkneck since his skin isn't that tough
Good luck folks. I am done on this one. You can bash me and how I was trained/taught all you want. 99.99% of you have a fraction of the training in you that I have - so I expect resistance to logic.

Wow! You really, honestly think you have more training/knowledge than 99.99% of the people here? Do you even personally know more than 5% of the people here?

I'm sorry, and I know you'll neg rep me for this, but that takes the cake for "Douche Comment Of The Year".
Wow! You really, honestly think you have more training/knowledge than 99.99% of the people here? Do you even personally know more than 5% of the people here?

I'm sorry, and I know you'll neg rep me for this, but that takes the cake for "Douche Comment Of The Year".

I don't think that, I KNOW -- get off my jock. And quit whining about being neg repped for being the english teacher of the group,, I pass neg reps out a lot.
let us NOT forget the "speculation" experts as well.... w/o knowing the circumstances...

"oh, he's going to do time" ect... [rolleyes]

Nobody will probably do any time, but I have no doubt lives will be ruined. That's the MA way. [thinking]

Wookie, I don't think that anyone is "defending" the kids actions here (at least not from my interpretation). What I was saying is that any situation like this when it involves a 10 year old is a failing of the parent - not the kid. Kids make stupid decisions based on immaturity, ignorance, etc. all the time, which is exactly why we don't just turn them loose on the streets at that age! What I was saying is that it is unfair to mark the kid as a lifetime felon at 10 freakin years old.[rolleyes] If your kid made a stupid decision, mistake, etc. like this, would you be ok with him being marked for life by it? I think not.

Calm down guys, everyone has a different opinion. Who cares.

Kids do stupid things. This was an extremely stupid thing to do and he should be punished (and certainly the father should be too) but to make the kid a felon is just dumb. If he hit a baseball through a window and it hit someone inside should he be charged with assault with a deadly weapon? Nope. (Wookie might argue that though). He should've had the sense to not put the neighbors house in the outfield but again some kids just don't think about that. Blame the parents for not raising him right and leaving guns where he could access them knowing full well that he wasn't mature enough to handle himself in that situation.
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"ruin his life" man if that isn't an over statement. Drama queens.

Uh-huh. Kid's gonna have a great ol' time getting into a decent college, getting a decent job, etc, with a felony conviction hanging over him.

YOU are an instructor,,, what a joke... i wouldn't let you teach my kids how to clean a toilet with that attitude.

I sure am, and a damn good one from what all the folks I've taught at Appleseed have already told me. Your little rant with mangled grammar bothers me not one whit. (oh, and I don't teach about toilets - you can do that.)

From local blogs,,, like this one.


And we all know how accurate they are and how much vetting of information is done before all bloggers put something up on their blog. [rolleyes] Without citations I consider it hearsay.
Uh-huh. Kid's gonna have a great ol' time getting into a decent college, getting a decent job, etc, with a felony conviction hanging over him.

I sure am, and a damn good one from what all the folks I've taught at Appleseed have already told me. Your little rant with mangled grammar bothers me not one whit. (oh, and I don't teach about toilets - you can do that.)


And we all know how accurate they are and how much vetting of information is done before all bloggers put something up on their blog. [rolleyes] Without citations I consider it hearsay.

This was my thought as well. Just because people "blog" about it on te intrawebs don't make it so.[rolleyes]
I would accept police blotter info as fact. I would also consider any newspaper articles. Without those, I am operating in a vacuum.
I would accept police blotter info as fact. I would also consider any newspaper articles. Without those, I am operating in a vacuum.

That's the only point I was trying to make. I'm not saying the kid's an angel by any stretch - he might be Damien from The Omen, for all I know - but I'm not going to come to that conclusion because some blogger said so, or because it was posted in the comments of a news article. With the information that's currently available to me, I'm of the opinion that charging a 10 year old for felony crimes in this scenario is a bit Draconian.
Nobody will probably do any time, but I have no doubt lives will be ruined. That's the MA way. [thinking]


No and that's the sad part. These laws are on the books for one reason and one reason only. To remove the rights of those who run afoul of them. And that means voting rights, the ability to get a job, hold a professional license, etc.

For the record wookie, we as a society have held children, especially 10 yrs of age and less, to a much lower standard for a reason. Stop making this about accountability for actions like he was an adult.

Also, the son was charged in order to force the father to accept a rougher plea arrangement. They will use the son's freedom against the father. That would be called extortion and kidnapping if you or I did it.
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"You can bash me and how I was trained/taught all you want. 99.99% of you have a fraction of the training in you that I have - so I expect resistance to logic."

I seriously, seriously doubt that. Come on now, that's just an arrogant statement to make.
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