Boxer to Introduce Common-Sense Concealed Firearms Act of 2011

Yeah... "common sense" to a gun grabber, maybe.

I'd love to see her put her money where her mouth is and add language that would make this "common sense" licensing scheme reciprocal and recognized by all 50 states just like a drivers license, but, she won't.


I've been hoping they'd go after gun rights prior to the 2012 election.

This should be another brick on Obama's load.

Trying to pass a law for the SPECIFIC PURPOSE of controlling state behavior, should be a real vote generator for Republicans/Conservatives.
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The problem is that politicians throw around the phrase "common sense". The unfortunate thing is that they don't know what common sense is. They have lived in the bubble so long that things don't mean anything. They spout and then take off in their private jet to go home for the weekend. They are elitist. They raid our finances to support pet projects AND we let them! People it's time to "just say NO!"
The problem is that politicians throw around the phrase "common sense". The unfortunate thing is that they don't know what common sense is. They have lived in the bubble so long that things don't mean anything. They spout and then take off in their private jet to go home for the weekend. They are elitist. They raid our finances to support pet projects AND we let them! People it's time to "just say NO!"

They love to manipulate the language to alter political reality.

Ex. 'The Affordable Care Act', and this one among many others.
Coming from a CA resident, that name makes my mouth water and want to hurl! Feinstien has the same effect...

I have sent so many letters and made so many calls to Boxer's and Fienstien's offices.... they definitely DO NOT represent their constituents properly. They do what ever the hell they want. Those old bags need to retire!
It doesn't matter. This will get struck down on 10th amendment grounds about 5 seconds after it's heard in court even IF itr passed, which it won't. This is Boxer trying to appease the barking moonbats in the PRC.
How did a such a brainless person rise to such prominence? ...

The REAL question is how to get her out.

Any bill titled "common sense" is just a turd.

The problem is that politicians throw around the phrase "common sense". The unfortunate thing is that they don't know what common sense is....

They love to manipulate the language to alter political reality.

Ex. 'The Affordable Care Act', and this one among many others.

I think any new gun bills proposed from GOAL (or anyone else) should have "Common Sense" tacked on to the beginning of its title.
She got there by representing the people that she represents. She'll not be voted out, until she stops doing that.

She is meerly the symptom of a disease, not the disease itself (not to say that a symptom can't kill you....)

The voters that put her in office think that this a great idea. THIS is the reality that we have to keep in mind.

It may seem like moonbat asshattery to us, but to her constituents, it is "Commom sense."
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