Boston Herald- Drive by

Jan 27, 2015
Merrimack Valley
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Hopefully this isn't a dupe, I archived the link so that we're not giving clicks:

Just some proof about how one racist whack job can ruin something for thousands of people. On the bright side, the message can be changed: Boston Herald and Stormfront team up for recruitment drive.
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Hopefully this isn't a dupe, I archived the link so that we're not giving clicks:

Just some proof about how one racist whack job can ruin something for thousands of people.

Sounds like a local gun owner/activist who happens to also be a white supremacist threw news of the rally up on their forum and somebody who monitors that forum seized on the opportunity to conflate the two groups. The Herald - if not the actual ones watching the stormfront site - followed suit in their headline.

F the Herald.
Maura Healey is probably having an orgasm over this smear job from the Herald.
What the **** was the Herald thinking running this BS story?

I hope people called in to Howie to give him an earful about the BS move the trash paper he writes for pulled.
The Boston Herald is actively, enthusiastically promoting a hate group whose voice would otherwise not be heard by anyone outside Stormfront. It is disgusting.
Guilt by association is exactly what the Herald is doing to us. Make us into hate filled extremists. If these fools show up we need to make sure they know they are not welcome.
All of the unattributed opinion pieces related to this sound like they were written by the same person. That Baker would be pushing the Herald on this makes a lot of sense. This nomination sure seems like some sort of quid pro quo with the AG's office, and the Gov's office is pissed that it is receiving scrutiny.

This latest "editorial" really takes the cake. A single anonymous poster on some racist website, whose identity can't be verified, posts something and the Herald claims GOAL is "offering sanctuary to white supremacists"?
All of the unattributed opinion pieces related to this sound like they were written by the same person. That Baker would be pushing the Herald on this makes a lot of sense. This nomination sure seems like some sort of quid pro quo with the AG's office, and the Gov's office is pissed that it is receiving scrutiny.

This latest "editorial" really takes the cake. A single anonymous poster on some racist website, whose identity can't be verified, posts something and the Herald claims GOAL is "offering sanctuary to white supremacists"?

Sounds like a defamation lawsuit if I ever saw one.
Does this really pass for a convincing, well supported argument at the Boston Herald? What "association" is there to be able to claim guilt by association?
It sure is - saying if you keep making noise, we will smear you big time on front pages.
In a way this is good - he proved beyond reasonable doubt that he is our enemy just as much as Maura and other D's.

Perhaps our next rally should be at Pat Purcell's house . . .
Link to Stormfront posting...

FWIW, if you feel uneasy, uncomfortable or paranoid about going to that site, there's not much more worth reading that I haven't posted.

"Friend of Stormfront"
Sustaining Member

Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: Massachusetts
Posts: 4,080

Nov 2nd Protest in Boston : Protect Your Gun Rights!
Wednesday, November 2nd, 11am-2pm
Massachusetts State House (front stairs)
Boston, MA 02108

This isn't a pro-white protest. However, having our gun rights restricted will effect white families the most. It will leave us with no means to defend ourselves from the ZOG and from the hordes of violent muds flooding our country.

This protest could be a great way for WNs to recruit members to their groups. The crowd will mostly be white males. Just keep in mind this is liberal Massachusetts, so be discreet. I suggest using business cards, instead of flyers, to promote your pro-white cause. They are easier to hand out discreetly and people are more likely to accept them.

Reposted from GOAL website
Gun Owners' Action League of Massachusetts

Protest! Join us November 2nd – 11:00 AM at the State House (front stairs)

The MA Governor’s Council will be meeting to decide upon nomination of AG Healey’s staffer Christopher Barry-Smith on October 26th at 1:00 PM at the State House.

GOAL is asking all MA gun owners to join us in protest on the State House stairs to send a strong message to the Governor and his council that Barry-Smith should not be approved to be a judge because of his taking part in obfuscating FOIA requests and attacking civil rights.

Christopher Barry-Smith has a long history of working for MA attorney general’s who have successfully restricted our civil rights. Should he be nominated, we cannot expect any sort of fair trial for any Second Amendment issue that comes before him. Justice will not be blind, or balanced if he is a judge, for that reason, his nomination must be declined. Please join us in protest of his appointment on November 2nd, 11:00 AM at the State House!

****If you can't attend the protest, here are some other ways you can help listed in this post.
Any Other WN's In Massachusetts?

Re: Any Other WN's In Massachusetts?
Attention WNs in Massachusetts, PLEASE HELP STOP the nomination of a member of AG Healey's staff. Healey decided to reinterpret the Massachusetts gun laws this past summer to the detriment of white families and white men in particular. Her staff should not be rewarded with positions of power in the MA state government.

Please consider joining GOAL. It is a gun rights organization that is specifically dedicated to protecting the gun rights of Massachusetts residents.

Reposted from the GOAL website

Re: Any Other WN's In Massachusetts?



The date for the event posted above has been changed. The hearing for the nomination for Christopher Barry-Smith has been rescheduled to Wed, November 2nd. The time and place is still the same. Because the hearing has been rescheduled the protest is now rescheduled.

In the meantime, if people have not done so already, please contact Gov Baker's office and your district representative on the Governor's Council. Let them know you want them to DECLINE the nomination of Christopher Barry-Smith due to his attacks on our 2nd Amendment rights.
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