Boston Globe op-ed calls for doxxing all gun owners, which would give criminals real-time intelligence on where to steal firearms

But there’s a case for making at least some gun licensing information public — and not so members of the public can keep tabs on guns that might be in their neighborhood. Last week’s apparent hate crime in Winthrop, where a man armed with two guns shot and killed two people, raises questions about transparency around gun permitting records. That lack of public information about gun permit-holders makes it harder to judge how well the police chiefs who issue those permits are using their authority, and to hold them accountable when they make the wrong call. The shooter, who was gunned down by police, had a license to carry. Yet little is known about who the licensing authority was in this case and how that decision was made.

There really isn't a case at all- the amount of LTC's issued per town is public record and you can assume all LTC's are either issued by the CLEO or a subordinate. I'm sure the globe knows where the shooter was from for their story, it is incredibly likely (especially since MSP refused to issue licenses this year) that the perp's license comes from his town of residence, and as such either that CLEO or other officer is the one responsible for issuing the license.

So really, the only people that don't know who the licensing authority is are the morons who can't seem to do any research on what they're writing.
Meh. Do we expect anything else from the Glob???? Funny how, by and large, the 2A community is rabbidly 1A protective. Yet the 1A community is, by and large, rabbidly anti-2A.

Some. Ting. Wong.

(Of course, their reasoning for both is that "it's always been that way" instead of "it's in the Constitution." I mean, if we F'd cows but only on Sunday and someone wanted to ban it, expand it or change it to only Saturdays, the Glob editorial board would be up in arms.)
...jumped to cow effing in a hurry there, cowboy.
As I have written before. These POS don't even sign their names to opinion pieces any longer. It is a 'board'. Damn cowards. Matt

By The Editorial Board Updated July 3, 2021, 4:00 a.m.
Interestingly enough, there was once a time when anyone could find out where CRIMINAL registered sex offenders lived in your community. They now have protections under the law which require you to go to the police station for this information now. And they wana't to know the insides of law abiding gun owners as if they're a bigger threat? WTF!
At this point I'm daring them to do it.
Just to see the blubbering mess they all end up being when the Chan's and others get through with them.
Worked out real well for the last dumbasses that tried it.
Let's see if we can up the game .
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