Body of Fourth SEAL Found


Retired Zoomie
NES Life Member
NES Member
Apr 29, 2005
Western Mass
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It appears that the last SEAL from the four-man team which was missing has been found. According to the article, he appears to have died fighting instead of the earlier "claim" that he was captured and executed by the Taliban.

Another brave warrior has gone home. We should feel sorrow for the loss, but be thankful that we have such brave men.
I feel sadness in knowing of their deaths, but pride and wonder knowing that, to a man, the rest will step back in without hesitation. To those who possess the skills and heart I will never know; thank you.
I would seriously doubt that any SEAL would have been captured, unless he were unconsious at the time. Back in Vietnam, the VC and NVA had posted dead or alive rewards for SEALS, Marine Force Recon and snipers. Everybody knew that capture meant a slow death sentence, so you might as well make it quick, and take as many of them with you as possible. Given the way that the IslamaFascists treat everybody else they get their hands on, I would hardly expect VIP treatment for any spec ops troops.

My thoughts also go out to his family, friends and comrades. At least the claims about his capture/beheading were false and this soldier apparantly died with dignity fighting for his country.
BlkHawk73 said:
My thoughts also go out to his family, friends and comrades. At least the claims about his capture/beheading were false and this soldier apparantly died with dignity fighting for his country.

Although I've never worn the uniform, I would much rather go down taking as many with me as possible rather then dying with my hands tied in front of a video camera.

I rarely say I hate someone and really mean it, but damn it all, I TRUELY hate those bastards that do that.
I'm certainly relieved that this SEAL was found and brought back to the soil he defended. I understand he was found in an area that had already been searched but was difficult terrain.

I still would like to know how all of this unfolded to begin with.
I'm not sure if they were talking about this SEAL, but I heard half a report that said something about a soldier walking 3 to 4km's and was found by an Afganie who took him to his village. The soldier was able to write down his info and that's how they found out who he was. I missed the beginning of that report on the radio, but I think they were talking about him. I'm glad he was found too, Tony.
Afganistan and Irag

The sorry fact is in both of these countries is that we will never win there. The action in Afganistan was correct, but the Irag action was insane. Now the blood of our brave heroes is being spilled every day in a no win situation. Iraq will be the modern day Viet Nam, and the legacy of a headstrong, arrogant President. These insurgents will never stop fighting. History has proven it. Look at the Russians in Afganistan. One of the most powerful nations(at the time) defeated by a determined group of warriors who had never been conquered. The only way of making any kind of progress would be to march all captiured insurgents to the center of a city or town, shoot them in the head in front of the townspeople, cut their miserable heads off and place them on stakes. But, this will never happen because that is barbaric in this country's eyes. Getting down to their level of violence is the only thing they will understand. Maybe. [cry]
I take it you read the main stream media,or listen to the television news. Whether you want to believe it or not there is alot of good being done in both of those countries. The majority in both countries WANT us there. If we pulled out of either country Yes it would fall back to the way it was. In Iraq, we have been training the Iraqi people to find the insurgents,and with our guidance they are getting the job done. We are handing over more and more back to the people so they can stand up for themselves and make their country the way they want it. Both countries had been oppressed by aweful dictators and need the guidance that we have been providing. If you thought that this was going to be a war we were in and out of in no time then you were dilousonal. As far as this war turning into another VietNam,not going to happen. Too many vets are not going to let our men and women come home to that!
Re: Afganistan and Irag

Actually the situation in Afghanistan is pretty stable, which is why the media mentions it so very little these days. Essentially the only times they'll even say the word "Afghanistan" is when some US troops get killed there or as a contrast to Iraq, intended to give the impression that they didn't really want to limit our response to 9/11 to group therapy sessions and programs to help us better understand the problems of the oppressed Islamic peoples. Do US troops die there? Of course they do, unfortunately. But the local government is doing the bulk of the work, and has as good or better control of the country than any government there in history. It's a culture where people tend to kill other people whenever they feel their family, tribe or other group has somehow been dissed. No government, not the Russians, not the Taliban, not the US, not the Hamid Kharzai government, is going to stop that.

If we don't win in Iraq it will be for the same reason that we didn't win in Vietnam. The military will defeat the enemy and establish a relatively sustainable situation, but the media and the hate America crowd will keep whining about "quagmire", "atrocities", "right-wing extremists", yada yada yada, to the point that the American sheeple no longer want anything to do with it. Then the outside forces that had pretty much been outside the country will wait for some domestic situation like Watergate to guarantee that the administration is totally distracted and neutralized, and invade in force.

After Tet the VC were totally destroyed as a real force, and essentially never seen again. In simple language, they lost the war. A few of years later, after the US had gone home, the North Vietnamese invaded successfully. The real insurgents in Iraq are just about in the same situation as teh VC. All the jihadists that we're seeing in in Iraq now are coming in from other countries. They qualify as "insurgents" in exactly the same was as NVA troops did in Laos and US troops did in the early days of the Iraq invasion. What history has really proved is that countries that keep obsessing about whether all the i's were dotted and t's crossed properly, whether they might have done something better or differently in the past, or whether the uninvolved will approve of their actions, once they're already in the middle of a war, are almost certain to lose, not necessarily to the opposition but to their own neuroses.

Well, Ken, you certainly put that a lot more politely than I would have.

We have a friend of the family who is a high ranking officer in the GA national gaurd that is in Iraq as we speak. He sends us updates in the way of a journal he writes every fews days. Very interesting stuff. I'll have to let him know that he's wrong and we're actually losing. He'll be quite surprised to hear it. I'm sure.
We've had to point a few friends to some other sites,and we got the WOW,you're right you don't hear that on the TV. No kidding! I'd rather hear it from our guys that are there than main stream media anyday. :) And Ken you definately say it better than I did.
As bad as VN was, it was made worse by the media (yes, even back then they had an agenda). Same thing goes now with Iraq - if it doesn't show children and women dying because of US bombs, they show our boys being blown up. The lib media hates Bush and everything he stands for. When Clinton dropped bombs it was okay. When Clinton sent our boys into Mog without the proper equipment AND behind the UN's back, it was okay, even though it was a blood bath. He was IMPEACHED and they still had him up on a pedistal.... Damn...there goes the blood pressure again...
Hmmmmm, do I believe my son and the 185 or so that went with him (and I know almost all of them), or do I believe the media?

Yeah, I'll believe the folks that were there.

The major media has done an extremely POOR job of reporting in Iraq. They report only the bad, almost never the good. They do get it right once in a while, but that's rare.

I'm trying to dig up a photo of Santa Claus from XMAS 2004. I guarantee, you'll all like this Santa!
Believe what you want

If you believe that the blood of one American hero is worth "teaching people in other countries to stand up for themselves", that is your belief. I don't believe in sticking my nose into the affairs of other countries, unless it directly threatens the security of the United States. Afghanistan met that criteria. If you believe that Irag qualifies as a direct threat to our security, that is your opinion. Further, I did not imply that the brave warriors fighting there would return to a climate of hostility by the American people as did our Viet Nam heroes, only that the results of the Iraqi conflict will be the same. Communism remained in Southern Asia, even if the Viet Cong didn't. That was the purpose of our intervention, to stop the spread of Communism. My view is that the conflict in Irag is not worth the blood of one of our brave husbands, sons, brothers, sisters, daughters, or mothers. Perhaps, after ten or twenty thousand more deaths of our loved ones in the next five, ten, or more years, others might agree.
So basically you are saying that Saddam should have just kept going killing people,torturing people,and lets not forget he gassed people. Which today sounds more like a modern day Hitler,but lets not forget we also went into Bosnia too to stop that. I also guess that 9/11 didn't mean anything to you,but jeez that happened on our own shores. So instead of continuing to have the fight in our country (which seems you'd rather have) we took it to them. In the process we are helping those countries. Now if you think anyone of us that is prior service wants to send our kids over there your nuts. We'd all rather go in their places, but as my son keeps telling me this is his JOB and he signed up for it. Just like we all did. We all swore an oath. If you really think this is going to be the same as the Vietnam war,start reading some of the sites that the soldiers put up and tell you exactly what is going on. Check out your history even when we try to stay out of conflicts we get pulled back in. Now our country is the last of the Superpowers,so wether you and others don't agree everyone looks to us to take care of things in other countries.
BB, if you think Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, BB, think again. Saddam's regime was training people how to assault and take over airliners. The media has briefly mentioned it, but, since it goes against everything else they've said, they down play it.

I'm also sick of hearing about the Iraq War being "about oil". If we wanted oil, we would have dealt with Venezuela, which is one of our prime sources for oil. Do your homework, check it out.

Quit comparing Iraq to Vietnam. They are vastly different situations. Unless you've been to Iraq, you really don't know the situation.

And get used to the troops being in Iraq, it'll probably take at least 10 years to get the country back to normal.

Mrs WW, I know your feeling about sending a son, when you wish you could go instead. They wouldn't (and still won't) let me go, since they don't like my arthritis med's.
I was trying to figure out how I was going to word things without having had my coffee yet this morning,get my point across and not raise my bloodpressure at the same time. [wink] I know Glenn would rather go as broken as he is,but I think MEPS would have a kitten.
MrsWildweasel said:
Too bad we can't have an Old Farts Broken down Army,and I bet we'd still kick ass. [lol] [lol]

I'd qualify for that one. The State Guard (not the Army Guard) will be looking to get me, if I get bounced out on my MMRB this Friday.

The funny thing is, some of the guys that went with my son were PO'd that I couldn't go, especially after they were there for a while. Seems that some of them prefer my leadership and competence to what they had.
Thanks, I was just try to keep my blood pressure in check before my morning coffee. I know everyone is entitled to their opinion,but so many have already forgotten 9/11.
So many have forgotten so much. And, just turn a blind eye to the facts.

I would like to ask BB just exactly what he feels the blood of one American hero IS worth.
As Tony said so many have turned a blind eye,and if it didn't directly effect them,then they have forgotten. You're right most of us here haven't forgotten,and also hope it doesn't happen again,but if it does maybe it will be the wake up call the rest of the sheep need. I don't wish it on ayone. I'd rather we took the fight to them tha have it on our shores. And Tony BB may not give you that answer.
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