Bloomberg's Car Stolen

Nov 14, 2005
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You may have seen or heard the news recently that New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg driver was beaten and his car stolen in NJ yesterday morning.

Excerpt from New York Times Article:

Bloomberg’s Car Is Stolen in New Jersey
A gray 2001 Lexus owned by Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg was stolen in a carjacking in Hackensack, N.J., yesterday in which two thieves assaulted a personal employee of the mayor, took the car and ditched it about seven miles away, according to the authorities.

While I'm sure we ALL feel remorse for the assulted personal employee...if he had been legally armed and able to defend himself things would have been significantly different.

The NRA is going to have a field day with this and I'm personally looking forward to it.
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I guess they need some more gun laws in Joisey to prevent these sorts of things happening to the wealthy or connected! [rolleyes]

If his driver is LE, he could carry in NJ under HR218. But as any true anti-2A, he should always "go along to get along" and never defend himself or Bloomie, after all he could have gotten hurt or had his gun taken and used on him by the poor, maligned, underprivileged perp! [puke2]
The only thing that would have made this so much better is if the driver did pull a gun on the perps.

That would have been poetic.
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