image.jpg here's a cow we took last year and my dog cooper enjoying the new scents of the deep woods image.jpg . Then the early morning fog image.jpg before it got burned off by image.jpg
Congrats on the big boar.

I'm going to Texas in February to help a rancher take out some of the hundreds of pigs on his ranch. It's near Lubbock. I'll be using my AR-15 and Winchester Razorback XT ammo.
A Texas hog hunt clear out is what I'd like to do as well. They are absolutely ruining livelihoods in the south and need these types of hunts to knock them down, consistently. The 2 things pigs do really, really well is reproduce quickly and eat EVERYTHING! My uncle tells a story that he was watching a pack of pigs and saw a skunk try and run thru the group but never made it out the other side lol.
Union Leader had an article about the Corbin park pigs, including the existence of "escaped" boars outside the park, which are fair game for anybody with a hunting license.

UL said:
New Hampshire has a documented wild boar population in the southwestern part of the state and wildlife biologists are becoming increasingly concerned. ... the state considers New Hampshire boars as the property of the park. The park itself does not claim ownership. But because of the law related to ownership, there can be no regulated hunt, Bryant said. The animals are considered escaped property of Blue Mountain Forest Association, also known as Corbin Park....

Bryant said hunters must ask for permission to shoot a boar. While park officials do not claim animals outside the fence are theirs, they readily give permission to those who want to shoot the animals. “You still have to call them for permission,” he said. He added that boars can be taken by hunters with a valid hunting license; the hours for hunting during daylight hours also apply. ... when someone calls to shoot a boar, we say, ‘Please shoot it."...
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