Biden Admin Amassing Millions Of Records On US Gun Owners Amid New Crackdown On Firearms UPDATE POST # 64


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Dec 13, 2006
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The Biden administration in just the past year alone stockpiled the records of more than 54 million U.S. gun owners and is poised to drastically alter gun regulations to ensure that information on Americans who own firearms ultimately ends up in the federal government’s hands, according to internal Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

The ATF in fiscal year 2021 processed 54.7 million out-of-business records, according to an internal ATF document obtained by the Gun Owners of America, a firearms advocacy group, and provided exclusively to the Free Beacon. When a licensed gun store goes out of business, its private records detailing gun transactions become ATF property and are stored at a federal site in West Virginia. This practice allows the federal government to stockpile scores of gun records and has drawn outrage from gun advocacy groups that say the government is using this information to create a national database of gun owners—which has long been prohibited under U.S. law.

The ATF obtained 53.8 million paper records and another 887,000 electronic records, according to the internal document that outlines ATF actions in fiscal year 2021. Gun activists described this figure as worryingly high and said it contributes to fears that the Biden administration is trying to keep track of all Americans who own firearms, in violation of federal statutes. The procurement of these records by the ATF comes as the Biden administration moves to alter current laws to ensure that gun records are stored in perpetuity. Currently, gun shops can destroy their records after 20 years, thereby preventing the ATF from accessing the information in the future…

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I call bullsh*t on this article. No way enough gun stores went out of business to send over 50M records to the fed in FY21. FY21 was a record year for most gun stores.
The ATF obtained 53.8 million paper records and another 887,000 electronic records, according to the internal document that outlines ATF actions in fiscal year 2021.
"New Crackdown" = clickbait.

Dude can barely even get a half-price infrastructure bill through Congress. Biden's not cracking down on jack shit.
Last I checked Biden's ATF can't even figure out how to address the pistol brace thing. I wish OSHA would take the ATFs clue and either play dumb or just freeze.
So will there ever be a republican that comes forward with a proposal to defund and eliminate the ATF? The only one I know of is MTG.
Will there ever be more than, say, half a dozen republicans who do anything useful at all? The only things they seem to do well are fear mongering and collecting donations from people and money from special interests and lobbyists. GOP can FOAD. I changed my registration to I.
Will there ever be more than, say, half a dozen republicans who do anything useful at all? The only things they seem to do well are fear mongering and collecting donations from people and money from special interests and lobbyists. GOP can FOAD. I changed my registration to I.
You know that in MA "Independent" is a party affiliation, while "Unenrolled" is what most folks think of as "independent," right?
So will there ever be a republican that comes forward with a proposal to defund and eliminate the ATF? The only one I know of is MTG.
which is my biggest disappointment with Trump. I expected much more pro-2A movement from him and got next to nothing,
which is my biggest disappointment with Trump. I expected much more pro-2A movement from him and got next to nothing,
We "got" a 2A-friendly Supreme Court, hopefully. It's the sole thing I expected from him, and it seems to have happened. Don't underestimate the importance of that: that should be a solid pro-2A grouping for at least the next ten years.

Realistically, he was never going to do much else. RKBA isn't really something he cared about, either way.
There are lots of shops that went under during Rona and prior

Pawn shops

Places like many 4473's do you think Riley's alone turned over when they went out of business?

I bet they had a million transactions records alone.

The thing that concerns me most are stores that are handling 4473's electronically.....all of these systems have access to www and have functions to export records to removeable storage.

Gun shops struggle to maintain a web secure do you think your info is on their systems handling 4473's?

You going to tell me that a big box store isnt gonna just dump all their records to USB and hand it over to the nice ATF folks when they come to audit them?

Folks that are purchasing from stores using these systems are signing up to be a darwin awards candidate imho
Good call.
So will there ever be a republican that comes forward with a proposal to defund and eliminate the ATF? The only one I know of is MTG.
We are more likely to see Maura holding an AK on TV telling us how everyone should own one, than any President/ Congress defunding an alphabet agency.
If we had a 2A friendly supreme court then they would be making the argument that 2A is a prohibition on fed gov making laws restricting RKBA

Clearly thats not the case.....they're just like most all politicians who think they can successfully split the baby in half without killing it

You're holding SCOTUS to a standard they can't meet.

Their job isn't to "make arguments." They're a long-term institution, not a short-term one. We won't know the true effects of Trump's picks on 2A for awhile yet, which is how it should be. It's also why I said "hopefully." I and many others were motivated to go vote for him because we understood the generational impact on SCOTUS' 2A leanings if HRC got in instead of Trump.

Remember those days? Seem like forever ago.
A sister-in-law's husband once sent me a link to a news story (Newark Star-Ledger?)
about a long-time gun store owner retiring in some burg like Lodi.

The douche was salivating about turning over his entire set of records to AFT.

Luckily, they were only records of gun transactions by people in NJ,
and they get what they vote for good and hard.
Of course they can meet it

They CHOOSE not to.

The NY case could have been resolved in 5 minutes simply by reaffirming that the 2A doesnt provide the federal government power/authority to enact any gun control other than ensuring that RKBA is protected as a civil right under 14A and that Constitutional Carry (no permission slips) is the standard for all states

But they dont.....because since when has one branch of government actually provided a meaningful check on another?

Its like the police investigating themselves for wrongdoing....."yep, we're good....."

Well, no. These things take time, was the point I was trying to make. They always have. They've never been a proactive body; they're passive. They have to wait for the cases to come to them, and there are procedures that happen once they do arrive.

The majority on the court doesn't get to run roughshod over the minority, and that's a damn good thing. In the long run. Sorry if it's not on your timetable, but these things never happen immediately.
This isnt about being proactive

Its about applying the constitution as written

If it was as black-and-white as you think, this wouldn't even be a court case now. So it must be grey. Again, sorry if that doesn't work for you.
f***in idiots... Here, let me help you out Brandon.
Pull out a map of the US. Draw a circle around New York & New Jersey, another around Mass, RI and Connecticut. Then draw a big oval through the western half of California.
Everybody not in those circles own guns. 50% of the people IN those circles also own guns.

Maybe you should remember that when trampling people's rights. Keep doing it and you will find out exactly how many people own guns.
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