Baltimore City School Board votes unanimously to prevent police from carrying guns at schools

The roughly 90 city schools police officers are allowed to carry their service weapons while patrolling the exterior of school buildings before and after school hours. But they are required to store their weapons in a secure location during the school day.

Well ain't that stupid?
“When seconds count, the police are minutes away” - from their own duty weapons. Unarmed SROs are uniformed sacrificial lambs.
And what if the police say screw that noise , we ain't going ?
What are they going to do ?
I know I wouldn't volunteer to be a human shoot n see
And I'm just talking about the students in the school , never mind a school shooter situation.
It's rough down there.
What a bunch of maroons.

They just turned their schools into a free fire zone for anyone who wishes to kill lots of children without being stopped.

Maybe that is the plan to further their anti Second Amendment agenda.

Never let a crisis go to waste.
What a bunch of maroons.

They just turned their schools into a free fire zone for anyone who wishes to kill lots of children without being stopped.

Maybe that is the plan to further their anti Second Amendment agenda.

Never let a crisis go to waste.


GFZs are abominable. The sooner the cops realize how senseless it is for qualified people to go unarmed in schools, the sooner they can open their pieholes and let the rest of the world know.

Not that I'm holding my breath.
So, reading the article (on NES??), I see that this is just reaffirming the existing ban.

But it sure does seem like Baltimore is doubling down on the stupid.
So, reading the article (on NES??), I see that this is just reaffirming the existing ban.

But it sure does seem like Baltimore is doubling down on the stupid.
This is Ocasio-Cortez level stuff and I think Massachusetts should be the next to adopt it before California steps up to the plate.
I’m sure someone’s going to have Baltimore hold their beer.

Followed by a long line of victim's lawyers filing suits against the city. Stupidity is fast out pacing carbon as the most prevalent element in this universe.
I understand this, it makes total sense, If we ban guns , then the police do not need guns, because you see, we banned guns and nobody has guns any more. It is so simple. 100% sarc.

I think this is what is going on in the brain wave department. Or it is totally political.
Does this law apply to only firearms, I can think of some baseball equipment that would be effective if someone kicks your door down. It's like they are building a criminal's bill of rights at the cost of citizens.
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