Baker Raises Alarm About Healey's New Gun Ban

Anyone who votes for this guy is a clown. How is having him in office any different than a Dem?

We are almost better off voting for a Dem, at least we know they don't support us ever when it comes to 2A.
Well I guess I'm a clown, imagine that. If you think a far left Dem is better than Baker you're of the same ilk who would rather have Senator Warren than Brown and Senator Shaheen than Senator Brown. So you'd rather have a far left Obama supporting ideologue who hates you representing you than a moderate conservative who would talk and work with us. Not me!
Anyone who votes for this guy is a clown.
The "deplorables" tactic, I see you're learning from Hillary. Seriously, personal attacks instead of fact based arguments, you can do better.

How is having him in office any different than a Dem?
Imagine Healey in that office, now do you really have to ask.

We are almost better off voting for a Dem, at least we know they don't support us ever when it comes to 2A.
Inaction isn't the problem, it's what they will do that is the problem.
a moderate conservative

[shocked] Faker is a moderate conservative? What exactly has he done, not spent a fortune on waste, not introduce more anti-2a measures? Yes, he has done a whole lot of nothing.

I bet if Mora banned any firearms outright there may have been a better show of people to protest.
[shocked] Faker is a moderate conservative? What exactly has he done, not spent a fortune on waste, not introduce more anti-2a measures? Yes, he has done a whole lot of nothing.

I bet if Mora banned any firearms outright there may have been a better show of people to protest.

Yes, just like BO was given a hard time when he tried to pass more gun control. When you have someone who's extreme people would be more likely to stand up against them. The question is would it be enough.
How is having him in office any different than a Dem?

We are almost better off voting for a Dem, at least we know they don't support us ever when it comes to 2A.

You may really think so, but if so you don't have a grip on how politics works in MA.

Reality: Baker has NOT demanded that a gun ban bill be passed and sent to him for signature. He hasn't actively pushed for any anti-2A bills to pass. [I will grant you that if one were passed, he'd sign it, but that is different from actively lobbying for it . . . and less damaging to us.]

Coakley/Healey as Gov: Their mission would be to ban all or as many guns as possible. They would actively lobby the legislature to give them bills to sign . . . and the legislature would gladly do so.

Now figure out which is more damaging to the 2nd A! And do NOT count on the USSC taking a case and ruling in our favor (some 5-7 years after a ban is put in place)!

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Yes, just like BO was given a hard time when he tried to pass more gun control. When you have someone who's extreme people would be more likely to stand up against them. The question is would it be enough.

Not in the Mass legislature. They would love that hard push.
You may really think so, but if so you don't have a grip on how politics works in MA.

Reality: Baker has NOT demanded that a gun ban bill be passed and sent to him for signature. He hasn't actively pushed for any anti-2A bills to pass. [I will grant you that if one were passed, he'd sign it, but that is different from actively lobbying for it . . . and less damaging to us.]

Coakley/Healey as Gov: Their mission would be to ban all or as many guns as possible. They would actively lobby the legislature to give them bills to sign . . . and the legislature would gladly do so.

Now figure out which is more damaging to the 2nd A! And do NOT count on the USSC taking a case and ruling in our favor (some 5-7 years after a ban is put in place)!

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Not in the Mass legislature. They would love that hard push.

Len, stranger things have happened. Just like Trump getting elected. Odds are that you're right but even in Ma. the legislature may realize that if they push too hard that just like the first time another revolution will start here.
Coakley/Healey as Gov: Their mission would be to ban all or as many guns as possible. They would actively lobby the legislature to give them bills to sign . . . and the legislature would gladly do so.

1. I doubt that Marsha would do more than getting more sleep

2. Healey craves power, not guns. If taking your guns gives her power or a place in Illary's cabinet, then yes.

3. Whose 2a right are we really protecting? There is only a few thousand of gun owners in MA that really care, care enough that if total ban would happen, would not mind driving to NH to shoot their guns stored there. Do I feel bad about FUDs or hunters loosing their guns in exchange for being quiet? Not one ****ing bit. Let the ****ing deer population explode and come dying on moobat doorsteps.

4. I am more worried about Rhino's pushing "sensible" compromises, slowly taking our freedoms than a D declaring total ban that anything that looks like a gun. THAT would be fantastic. CANJMA is the living proof to the rest of the country what moonbats can do. If we can't keep our guns, lets at least be a good example of moonbats going wild.
It's not that simple.
For example;
If the bill was clearly unconstitutional (and yes I do believe the Legislature would pass such a bill), then no.
If it was clearly ridiculous, and I can't think of an example right now (and you screaming its anti 2a doesn't count), then no.
But this leaves a huge grey area and the exact wording of the bill, along with whether or not the Legislature has the votes to override, will come into play.

And this brings up the simple fact that vetoing any bill that the Legislature certainly has the votes to override would be a pointless use of political capital.

Politics is a complicated game.

In NH the former Governor didn't sign the CC bill thinking the Legislature couldn't force it through and the people wouldn't hold it against her too much. She expended political capital (the support of the people) and didn't sign. But she was only half right and is now gone. In MA the majority of the voters want, or are willing to accept greater gun control. So his letter was the best Baker could do without pissing off the voters he needs to stay in office. Not to mention that had he made it an issue it is far more likely any Legislative action would not have been a positive thing.

We have "Compromised " and played the game for 40 years.
How's that worked for us?
I'm really not concerned about protecting poor Charlie's political career at the expense of my rights, call me selfish.
The guy is either for us or against us.
I'm going to say it's against.
Keep in mind we had an anti Governor, AG and legislature for many years and the worst blow yet comes under a Republican Governor.
Any relief at all is going to come from the courts , not the guy we voted for . ( Once , at least in my case. )

When I think of the current situation it reminds me of the guy who tells the home invaders , "Here , take my wife and kids , just don't hurt me."
You may really think so, but if so you don't have a grip on how politics works in MA.

Reality: Baker has NOT demanded that a gun ban bill be passed and sent to him for signature. He hasn't actively pushed for any anti-2A bills to pass. [I will grant you that if one were passed, he'd sign it, but that is different from actively lobbying for it . . . and less damaging to us.]

Coakley/Healey as Gov: Their mission would be to ban all or as many guns as possible. They would actively lobby the legislature to give them bills to sign . . . and the legislature would gladly do so.

Now figure out which is more damaging to the 2nd A! And do NOT count on the USSC taking a case and ruling in our favor (some 5-7 years after a ban is put in place)!

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Not in the Mass legislature. They would love that hard push.

Why does he need to when we have a Rogue AG who does it on her own without legislation?
Well I guess I'm a clown, imagine that. If you think a far left Dem is better than Baker you're of the same ilk who would rather have Senator Warren than Brown and Senator Shaheen than Senator Brown. So you'd rather have a far left Obama supporting ideologue who hates you representing you than a moderate conservative who would talk and work with us. Not me!

I probably went far with the clown comment. That's a fair call out by you and 42!

That being said... Baker hasn't worked with us. He hasn't even come out and said anything about the AG's overreach. He is an empty suit.
Just for clarity, can someone tell me if the 7/20 Healyban is, in fact, an Opinion of the AG? If so, was there any public commentary or hearing after it came out?

I'm reading this and so far, I don't remember any chance for public hearing and or opinion when she issued it, unless I missed something.

The whole ting is BS on it's face, but since the gun stores all rolled right over the second it was declared it makes no difference. Notice nobody has been arrested, that keeps the little people from challenging it. So she gets what she wants, since the stores don't sell anymore, and does not leave an easy avenue to challenge her.

If they all ignored her, it would have been a lot tougher for her for make anything stick.
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