Article: Why gun violence is a Christian issue

"From biblical times to the present day, people have had to strike a balance between individual rights and societal good."

From biblical times to the present day people have also been subjected to unspeakable atrocities at the hands of their fellow man, and of tyrannical government. The constitution was drafted with an aim toward shifting the balance more in favor of individual rights in order to try to address this problem, but unfortunately the collectivists out there are always trying to tip the balance back the other way.
Jesus told his apostles to go out and get swords. Swords were the equivalent to guns back then so the idea Christians can not be armed is absurd. Jesus certainly did not want his disciples using the weapons when persecuted because when Peter tried to take off the head of the servant to the high priest Jesus told him those who live by the sword will die by the sword. The same could be said about guns those who live by the gun will die by the gun, what I believe he meant was if you go off half cocked and kill somebody your going to half to pay with your life. Responsible gun owner know they are only to use their firearm when there is no other option and innocent lives are in danger. On the other hand if your a Christian and you are in a position where you realize you are going to die for your faith (unlikely to happen in the US) you should accept it and not go out in a "blaze of glory" taking your enemies with you. If you do have a chance to get out of that situation then who could blame a person for defending themselves or others. - God Bless America!
the article's title is misleading. This is some drivel from a man who tries to reconcile gun ownership with his own faith. Told from perspective of a Muslim or a Hindu, it would not make it a Muslem or Hindu issue. I may as well write a similar article labeled "Buddha was definitely an AK man"

He needs to brush up on his fundamentals before going headstrong exploring obscure tenants of theology, and one fundamental concept that he misses is the person's choice.
Violent, irrational, intolerant, allied to racism and tribalism and bigotry, invested in ignorance and hostile to free inquiry, contemptuous of women and coercive toward children: organized religion ought to have a great deal on its conscience. ~Hitchens
Jesus told his apostles to go out and get swords. Swords were the equivalent to guns back then so the idea Christians can not be armed is absurd. Jesus certainly did not want his disciples using the weapons when persecuted because when Peter tried to take off the head of the servant to the high priest Jesus told him those who live by the sword will die by the sword. The same could be said about guns those who live by the gun will die by the gun, what I believe he meant was if you go off half cocked and kill somebody your going to half to pay with your life. Responsible gun owner know they are only to use their firearm when there is no other option and innocent lives are in danger. On the other hand if your a Christian and you are in a position where you realize you are going to die for your faith (unlikely to happen in the US) you should accept it and not go out in a "blaze of glory" taking your enemies with you. If you do have a chance to get out of that situation then who could blame a person for defending themselves or others. - God Bless America!

Could not have said it better, though if I was threatened with death for my faith I would defend myself and family. If that is a sin then thank Jesus for His forgiveness! No ones perfect.
There is no prohibition to self-defense in the Bible. That being said, all Christians are called to walk humbly with the Spirit of God guiding them in every aspect of their life. That would likely change the way the average gun-owner bears their responsibility, but Jesus didn't promise you you could continue in your own wretched ways. He said, "Pick up your cross and follow Me." The benefits are eternal, even if it seems uncomfortable in the short-term in this world.
Boris can you back up that claim? Because I have always suspected he was an AK man.

Actually totally, one reason you got AK haters is that they do not understand mother Russia and the whole concept of "mistery of the Russian soul" - a concept that even Russians admit can not be qualified or quantified, it explains why Russians do the crazy shit they do.

Russians do not have Western mentality, it's Asian mentality. People try to see why AK parts were made that way using Western mentality and though process. They compare it to "German engineering" and laugh about its inferiority. In reality, Russians are more anal than Germans, they are so anal that their anality is off the charts. Even the smallest and most insignificant parts of AK were given x1000 more thought than the time spent on any given Western firearm. There were no chase in efficiency or profit.

To try to grasp this concept more, look at martial arts, western and asian. And by asian I don't mean American TexMex Karate crap, no the real deal that noone in US does. Good luck finding that. But if you do, you will understand the depth of patience, thought and advanced calculation that goes into little detail. Westerners like to get shit done quick, powering through obstacles, absent of deep understanding of the problem.

So yes, Buddha would totally use an AK and appreciate it like an intrinsic basic block of nature.

I am not drunk, I swear!
the More People In This Country That Turn From God, The More This Country (And World) Will Get More And More Evil, AndMore Bad Things Will Happen. Unfortunately, Things Are Not Going To Get Any Better. I'll Use My Guns To Protect Myself And Others When Needed.
"Turn the other cheek" sounds nice, but when we are instructed to turn the other cheek, it is when we are persecuted or made fun of. There is nothing more insulting to a man than getting slapped in the face. I would much rather be hit. Why do you think that they slapped , when they challenged to a dual? It was an insult. When the scriptures say to sell your cloak and get a sword, ( It's about to hit the fan) He never said that we could not defend ourselves or our loved ones. I love my boys , but if you mess with my wife or my daughters , you will have my undivided attention. He never instructed us to become the " Doormat of the World" I love people, please don't get me wrong, but I strongly like my Glocks and Sigs as well. They never fail me.
the article's title is misleading. This is some drivel from a man who tries to reconcile gun ownership with his own faith. Told from perspective of a Muslim or a Hindu, it would not make it a Muslem or Hindu issue. I may as well write a similar article labeled "Buddha was definitely an AK man"

He needs to brush up on his fundamentals before going headstrong exploring obscure tenants of theology, and one fundamental concept that he misses is the person's choice.

Hit the nail on the head...

I would take issue with Buddha though. I'd put him in the archery camp. ;)
Christians, like other people of different faiths, have opinions on many issues that are shaped by their beliefs. However, those individual beliefs don't always line up with the Bible (or whatever book of faith one claims as a basis for belief). I'm sure Rev. Brinton is a sincere and compassionate person; most pastors I've known are, but in this case his compassion has gone beyond biblical care for ones fellow human beings into self guilt and shame that is not based on Biblical principles. His logic is more humanist than a Christian.

I've known Christian pacifists. One pastor I had would willingly give up his life to give another a future chance at salvation. Him I respect. I just feel sorry for Rev. Brinton.
Actually, Boris, from a geopolitical sense, Russia is where 'East meets West', so there has got to be a lot of mingling in philosophy and souls there. Never underestimate Asian's ability to adapt to Western style tho, for example, Chinese have got the saw-something-think-deeply-then-copy-it-cheaply-and-quickly process down to both art and science. [rofl]
"From biblical times to the present day, people have had to strike a balance between individual rights and societal good."

When are these morons going to realize that we did this already in 1789.

The man also needs to understand the subject matter he is discussing as there is a long and well developed Christian theology of self defense being actual REQUIRED in circumstances and not at odds with the message. In fact, Catholic Canon Law is very clear on this matter that it is a natural right.

This is a very liberal response to this topic as they clearly do not understan either (gun rights or religion) and they attempt to view both throught their lense and come to the wrong conclusion. A conclusion which those who themselves do not understand or are ill informed belive themselves given the precieved "credibility" of the author.
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