Article: Want to win a gunfight? Train under pressure

Good article. I mentioned this in a review i did of the course, but it bears repeating. I took a defensive pistol course from On Target Training last month. I thought I was a pretty good pistol shooter, and in reality I long as there was no pressure. The class I took added pressure to the equation, and I learned that I was "ok" as a shooter, and had some work to do. This type of shooting is great for building confidence in your ability to run your gun when it matters, while pointing out where your skills need improvement. My advice: buy a shot timer, and run some drills against it. You'll find that you're not as good as you think you are.
My father sent me a link a month ago and I will try to locate it. The video shows KGB special forces training with live round, vest penetration coupled with instructor screaming instruction inches from them.
Want the combat experience? Wear body armor and weapon and run for a half mile through obstacles. That's the closest you will get without being in a war zone. Time actually slows down when your heart feels like its gonna explode out of your chest. That's why most engagements are short-it's exhausting lugging all that crap, trying not to be shot and shooting back-people get exhausted. Once the adrelin is spent, you feel it. Add in sweat in your eyes, dirt, and thirst and it's bed time. Being in shape helps but it's physically very taxing.
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