Article: SF Chronicle Op-Ed: Dems Want to Destroy NRA More Than Islamic State

This quote was pretty good

Democrats appear more motivated to destroy the NRA than they are to wipe out the Islamic State. [And] this probably has a lot to do with which entity spends more at election time to defeat them.
Hey California allow your citizens to be armed maybe just maybe 14 dead and 21 injured wouldn't happen!
Dems prefer tyranny over liberty. This is no surprise to me.

SHillary announced that Repubs and the NRA are her biggest enemies and 0bama battles Repubs with far more vigor than ISIS, Russia, Iran, etc.
Spot on.
What's a few dead peons compared to the agenda?
There's a country to be disarmed, don't bother them with minor details.
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I just upgraded to a Benefactor NRA membership and will keep on putting my money where my mouth is . If, you own a firearm and care about the 2nd amendment please do the same. It takes money to fight the scum who wants to take your rights away and make you a serf.
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