Article: Senator Murphy: Not Fair To Judge Gun Control Based On Whether It Works

Not fair to judge it based on whether it works or not?! Is this guy fu(kin serious?! That should be the ONLY way to judge it!!!

Laws are not supposed to be made to make people feel good and enrich politicians! The people expect RESULTS from these laws. If results are not produced, these laws should be REPEALED!!!
See, every time these asshats open their maws it reminds me that they are lying sacks of shit. They do not negotiate in good faith. They do not argue in good faith. They make up statistics. They deflect when an argument hits too close to home. Now they admit they don't even care if gun control works. All they want is a disarmed populace run by a bunch of criminal thugs.

Well then move to ****ing Australia *******s!
It's just "feel good" legislation. They feel good about themselves when they pass it and it makes it look like they are doing something whether it works or not and their constituents eat it up.
Considering when an infringement of a right is in question, strict scrutiny applied during Heller is the only rational that should be applied when talking about a bill to regulate a right.
The govt is one big joke at this point. Its all he said she said everyone pointing fingers this way and that way. I don't even know which end is up anymore. Weather it's by design or just by accident the end result is the same. The only thing these people seem to be good at is f@$&ing with our freedom.
Chris Matthews pretty much spanked him in the same manner on Sunday.
He couldn't answer him in any coherent manner then either.
"Nothing you proposed would have stopped Sandy Hook, San Bernadino, or Orlando, so why do you keep bring up gun control measures that are non relevant ?"
" Well hummina hummina , gunz, derp, magazine clips, herp, saving one life herpa de derp."
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