Article: Rep. Issa Says Barack Obama Still Blocking ‘Fast and Furious’ Investigation

No surprise. This guy gets away with everything simply because anyone that challenges him is called a racist! Good to see that Issa is keeping up the pressure!

I am convinced that this was used to make the case for more gun control. After a similar program (project wide receiver) failed during the Bush Administration, why else would they try a similar program at 10X the scale?
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I have wondered why the Republican's do not leverage Fast & Furious and/or Hillary's indictment with Democrat desired Supreme Court nominee hearings.
I have wondered why the Republican's do not leverage Fast & Furious and/or Hillary's indictment with Democrat desired Supreme Court nominee hearings.

same reason that they didn't utilize their majority in both houses to at least make Obama veto stuff instead of rolling over and doing whatever they were told
IF we had a Republican controlled house and senate , the ATF and DOJ budgets should be zero until they get full co-operation.
But that's only if we had actual republicans in control of both houses.
IF we had a Republican controlled house and senate , the ATF and DOJ budgets should be zero until they get full co-operation.
But that's only if we had actual republicans in control of both houses.

You're dreaming if you ever think that would ever actually happen. Bush had "that" and during the bush administration BATFE got caught with their pants down (they got caught racially profiling buyers at Richmond VA gun shows) and congress did ****ing nothing. They slapped them on the wrist and said "don't do that".

Yep, Issa (and the Congress) is all bark and no bite. I give up dreaming that they'd actually have the balls to anything right for once.
The most hated corrupt damaging president in American history

How can you say that? He has single handedly freed 93,000,000 people from "Joblock". He has shortened the workweek for hundreds of thousands of Americans from 40 hours a week to 29 hours a week. He has given us free healthcare. He has made sure that every needy person can communicate with loves ones with free phone service. He has insured that 43,000,000 hungry people are fed each month. He has insured that 11,000,000 disabled people receive payments from SS greatly enriching their lives. He has promoted racial harmony by supporting the Black lives Matter Movement. He has pointed out repeatedly that the Police routinely act stupidly. And last but not least he has removed the anxiety of 47% of the population by ensuring that they need not work at all.

Why are you such a hater?
Yep, Issa (and the Congress) is all bark and no bite. I give up dreaming that they'd actually have the balls to anything right for once.

If they were really interested in reforming BATFE they'd cut the firearms enforcement budget by 50% (at least for a window of time) and fire all the management, but they don't have the balls to do something like that because of all the tarts crying about "blood on the streets" or other meaningless horseshit.

You all assume that the GOP has a different goal than the DEMs - they don't they just want to take a different road. The Tea Party targeting by the IRS and the GOP did nothing, the countless BATFE infractions and Executive Orders/Actions. The GOP will employ these actions again when their turn comes.

They know that all politicians are headed for the same fall, with maybe a different rope attached. They are preserving themselves at the cost of everything else. RINO's (most GOP) would use the F&F as cover to say "We can't ignore it anymore, we always believed it wasn't true - but it is, so all you gun owners turn your stuff in.....or else".
This stuff pre-dates Obama, though he is just as bad at hiding and manipulating as Bush was. The politicians are not going to get the lifers in government under control. The reality is that the lifers in DOJ / ATF / wherever ARE the government. The politicians are just window dressing and are kept in line by threats, intimidation, and fear of culpability.
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