Article: Rep. Carol Shea-Porter says

Everyone should send a letter to her.

Dear Congresswoman Shea-Porter,

I just listened to your 'send the men' home speech. You should be ashamed of yourself:

With opposition to this Administration's healthcare takeover program reaching new highs everyday,

With the election of Senator Brown in Massachusetts as a referendum of the Obama Administration's big government policies,

With your own citizens' opposition with the legislation,

With your the Democrat's continued interest in passing this mess through reconciliation procedures going around normal political procedures, and

With senior leadership in your own party saying that the process should be slowed down and started over.

How many more signs do I need to point out before you begin to listen to the constituents you serve and not pander to a room full of women with a minority opinion for political contributions and cheap laughs.

I have tried, numerous times to discuse upcoming legislation. Her response is I have no clue. She also responds after the vote sometimes up to 90 days later.
Thank goodness the other people that were trying to do their jobs that the people elected them for were not all of a particular race or skin color. Do you think she would have commented to send all of the <insert ethnicity here>'s home so that the women can vote without them. After all, those <insert ethnicity here>'s have never taken care of a sick spouse, a child, or a parent. Those darn <insert ethnicity here>'s just dont understand the issue and should not be allowed to have their opinion heard! Is it some sort of female chauvenistic power-grab? Its easy to bash the men in front of a room full of women, but what she is doing is the same as if she belittles any other "group" of people for her own gain. What a jerk!
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