You are correct - on a day to day basis the average American is FAR more likely to be killed on the street by a criminal - than by a terrorist. And taking into account typical terrorist targets - anybody who thinks about it can probably reduce their exposure to getting killed by a terrorist to practically ZERO .... EVER.

What Obama is very conveniently refusing to discuss - is the WHERE of where all those murders are coming from.

Because if he actually confronted that - it would be a shit storm.

Short version: VIOLENT CRIMINALS are a greater threat than terrorism. (not "guns")

Replace the inanimate object with the type of person in question. Then we're comparing dangerous actors to dangerous actors, not objects to actors.
A real comparison- murders by bikers compared to the mob. Black street gangs to Asian street gangs. Islamic terrorism to Jewish terrorism. Serial killers to drunk drivers...... He seriously compared all murders involving a specific tool to murders linked to a specific political motive. If one gang shoots 10 people and another stabs 100, is the knife wielding gang safer? Also, if Roof was considered domestic terrorism, does that mean those murders can't be counted as gun crime?
This is the most sensible thing this guy has EVER said. He is exactly right, and perhaps, just maybe, he now understands why it is a sacred right.

The second amendment entire intention is to put the fear of God into our politicians
Let's not forget that bathtub violence kills an average of 87 Americans per year, far more than terrorism.

So if Obama wants to save us from things that cause more American deaths than terrorism, he should start with the evil bathtub.

Or he can be a real tough guy and save over 400,000 lives each year by waging war on and banning smoking. Just saving the 42,000 people a year that die from secondhand smoke is quadruple the number of lives lost to firearm homicide.

But it's not about saving lives. It's about the disarmament of the American people. He knows it and we know it.

You forgot one major cause of death - from a Google search inspired by Detective LaBert:
I seem to have misplaced my obama toilet paper. Can anyone help?

Found it:

Meh. When he comes on TV I turn down the volume & make fart noises. He's spewing shit anyway, might as well have the sound effects. After 30 seconds of that, I smile & change the channel. Keeps me sane.

He doesn't even exist to me really. I avoid most of the threads about him online (the title of this one sucked me in) and when he comes on TV I dive for the remote. I don't think I have heard his voice since last year
Yet the odds of being killed in a "mass shooting" are way less than being struck by lighting for an average citizen. (e.g., 1/12,000 for lighting during your lifetime, vs maybe 1/10,000,000 for 'mass shooting').

The odds of being shot while being a black male and living in Oakland are more like 1/100 during your lifetime (assuming homicide rate of 26/100K, and lifetime max exposure for 20 years from age 15 to 35). Double that to something like 1/50 if you live in New Orleans.

So, Obama is talking about removing every US Citizens gun rights, in order to bring down an average risk of splashy but statistically improbable 'mass shootings' ,which is below 1 in 10 million, whereas the crazy high average homicide rate which is heavily weighted in cities like Oakland or Washington DC or Detroit or New Orleans which weight the national murder rate are just considered out of bounds to discuss.

But yeah, it's all about the legal gun owners.
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