Is the misdemeanor domestic violence thing new? I thought that is how it's always been. Also, in sure we can count on our next Republican president to roll these policies back. /sarcasm
The comments section is much more entertaining (NOT) than the article. They're acting like 10 years olds shooting spitballs at each other. As for the article, Obama and his appointees are going to stick it to us regardless what we do
Scorched earth actions by a completely incompetent administration. It'll take years to undo at best, and will become "common sense" at worst.
Think any of these new restrictions will keep guns out of the hands of the cannibals in Baltimore, Detroit, and Ferguson?
sounds like a dictatorship that is expanding. How many more way can they infringe on 2A

How many ways? How about by just disregarding the whole "stupid" 2nd Amendment completely, just "implement" (code for "decree") rules, regulations and other personal feelings of the "administration" regardless of what "We The People" want, desire, demand, etc.

This is the worst human being to ever occupy the office, and he will "Executive Order" any friggin' thing he wants to order.

Because he CAN.
He's going scorched earth on the way out of that's the stuff he's telling us he's going to do what's going on under it all
Our founding fathers would hang the administration for treason on the constitution I can't wait till there all gone and these eight years will be a thing of the past
My BIL's police department down South has been discussing some new AWB laws have a high probability of coming out soon. Maybe a part of this? Anyone hear / see something to that effect?
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