Article: NRA’s Wayne LaPierre Challenges Obama To One-On-One Gun Rights Debate

Can't we get Colin Noir to debate 0bama instead of this moron?

That said, Obozo will NEVER sign up for a fair and honest debate. He needs Candy Crowley and other MSM lackees to step in and save his @$$. Propaganda and demogogary are his weapons. Tough to work that in an honest debate.
He is right on with this. I wanted to quote some key points but the whole thing is key. Finally...FINALLY they mentioned the criminal element that everyone has been so afraid to talk about in the past.

Basically these pols are letting criminals dictate policy to strip the rest of us of our rights. That needed to be said. Love how he referenced Chicago. Perfect example.
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Can't we get Colin Noir to debate 0bama instead of this moron?

Ding ding ding! We have a winner.... and another example of how out of touch "Grampy's NRA" is these days. And I'm a life member.

Wayne - no one in Obama's socialist circles pays any attention to you. There is about as much chance of him debating you directly as you actually reading this Internet forum post.
If he wants to call out that jerk go right ahead good for him. Its better than us screaming at liberals on facebook or any other social site. Get it out there and let it be known Were as mad as hell and were not going to take it anymore!!
If it were a true, honest debate and we had a legitimate, unbiased media, then Obama would get his ass handed to him but the reality is that Obama would just vomit out a bunch of lies and say that LaPierre was the one lying and the media would back him up.
Remember the Romney/Obama debates? I am not confident LaPierre's speaking or debating skills are at that level. That said, contract the flu, and have Cruz step in as your replacement. Obama could charm/joke/cry all we wants as Cruz calmly and rationally shuts him down.
Can't we get Colin Noir to debate 0bama instead of this moron?

That said, Obozo will NEVER sign up for a fair and honest debate. He needs Candy Crowley and other MSM lackees to step in and save his @$$. Propaganda and demogogary are his weapons. Tough to work that in an honest debate.

This +1000

I'm ambivalent on LaPierre and I'd be worried MSM would try to paint anything he said as "racist" or something.

I think Colion is a great speaker and would connect with your "average Joe" a lot more (especially the younger crowd, which is vital), plus there's no race angle.

Nothing like this will ever happen, though. Whenever Obama has talked about gun control, I've really hoped he would take difficult questions or face a debate, but it practically never happens.
As I recall, LaPrierre's congressional testimony wasn't exactly Jeffrey Kessler-like, irregardless [rofl], kudos for sending a shot over zeros bow.
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