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Holy crap! +1 for thinking you can get around Shall not be infringed and having to pay the penalty!!
That money needs to come out of the personal pockets of the LEOs that infringed and the AG who decided to prosecute and the mayor who didn't stop it and continued to keep this law. Until lawmakers and those who enforce them are held liable these violations will continue. Think about it, it's not any skin off of their back.
It is sad the people of Chicago aren't OUTRAGED that their elected and appointed officials are wasting the city's money in an effort to deprive the citizens of their civil rights.
Cheap bastards. They couldn't add an extra $50 and make it an even $400,000 [smile]
That's one tiger uppercut against the antis. We need more triple combo hits, though, to get them to the finishing move.

That's one tiger uppercut against the antis. We need more triple combo hits, though, to get them to the finishing move.


The heller check will be larger and it's not just the big checks. There are what, like 7 major carry suits across the country, all will likely cost an average of $200K a pop (peruta and the case that goes to SCOTUS will push up the average), give or take to the local municipalities, not all of which are as large and as "rich" as Boston.
It's bittersweet. On one hand we could think they are writing a check that will deprive the bottom 50 % of their handouts, yet it is just punishing the top 50% that pay the bill.
And here is what the Massachussetts' Boys in Blue think about this: (http)://

** I didn't want to link directly to so just copy and paste the link. Remove the ()
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And here is what the Massachussetts' Boys in Blue think about this: (http)://

** I didn't want to link directly to so just copy and paste the link. Remove the ()

good to see them standing beside the law abiding citizens they were sworn to protect. awesome.
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