Article: NH - EMERGENCY Hearing at NH Legislative Office Bldg - Monday, March 8, 2010


I have recently become aware of this site and all i can say is WOW! I love it... I secondly want to ask for a minute of your time, As you know here in NH we are undergoing a New Bill titled HB1635 Which restricts legal gun owners the right to protect themselves in "PUBLIC BUILDING". Now there is alot of us who will read the Bill and see exactly what the gungrabbers are really saying and then there are some who will not, but they see the condensed version of the truth, So For those I ask to do what I feel is the right thing, Help a man that is very involved in the Protection or preservation of the second ammendmant get elected into the House or representitives district 12, Ward 5. Below is the letter asking his friends for help, I hope you will support his purpose, Thank you for your time,


Dear Fellow Londonderry Fish & Game Club Members:

You've know me for the past five years as your Club President. And as such, I sincerely hope that I have earned the trust and respect for the job I did, the care I gave to the club and my steadfast advocacy on behalf of the membership. While I am no longer the club president, I am still an active voice in the Club leadership in that I am now a sitting member on the board. I now come to you banking on that credibility and trust, asking for your help in my latest endeavor.

Yes! This is in fact a campaign fundraising letter! I am running for the New Hampshire House of Representatives, District 12, Ward 5 in Manchester. Because you have know me for five years, I won't waste time bloviating where I stand on the issues because you already know.

I will tell you what is really infuriating, though. Every day! I open up the Union Leader and I just get sick and tired over this daily, never-ending attack on our freedoms and liberties. This crowd in Concord is nothing more than a bunch of left-wing progressives hell bent on oppressing us with liberty infringements and tax increase. It has to stop!

In particular interest to me and I am certain you as well, House Bill 1635 is a bill that seeks to prohibit, "the open carrying of a firearm in a public building" The title is deceptive! If you look at the text of the bill and the definition, you will quickly see that this bill is intended to ban the carrying of all firearms, licensed or unlicensed anywhere! The bill defines "public building as, "any building, structure or place".

We need to throw these bums out of office! Will you help me to do that? Given current political sentiments, I am striking while the Iron is hot and getting organized early! Supporting me means not having to guess whether or not I value your rights to hunt, fish and trap, carry side arms or have the right to defend your family. This is not the first time these bums in Concord have taken a shot at our Second Amendment rights!

Therefore, I am asking for a small contribution to my campaign. $10, or $15 or $25 or more if you are able. Help me to purchase signs, mailing and campaign materials so that I get exponentially increase my exposure in this Ward. This is my very first campaign letter ever and the first one I am sending, I send to my friends!

Thank you ever so much for taking the time to read this letter. Please consider helping me get elected and I look forward to hearing from you...As always, feel free to e-mail me anytime!

Thank you ever so much for taking the time to read this letter. Please consider helping me get elected and I look forward to hearing from you...As always, feel free to e-mail me anytime!

Very Truly Yours,

Rick Olson
544 Laurel Street
Manchester, NH 03103
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