Article: New York’s NRA membership nearly doubles in wake of SAFE Act

Some of the comments will make your head explode. Keep pushing. Keep pushing.

Not to become the spelling Nazi: but some of the comments on the pro-gun side really do make the people who wrote them look like, shall we say - less than educated.

It's a unfortunate fact that spelling counts - as my English teacher used to say. Especially when you're trying to argue something in front of an educated audience.
Not to become the spelling Nazi: but some of the comments on the pro-gun side really do make the people who wrote them look like, shall we say - less than educated.

It's a unfortunate fact that spelling counts - as my English teacher used to say. Especially when you're trying to argue something in front of an educated audience.

This. Check the spelling and grammar before pushing "send".
Not to become the spelling Nazi: but some of the comments on the pro-gun side really do make the people who wrote them look like, shall we say - less than educated.

It's a unfortunate fact that spelling counts - as my English teacher used to say. Especially when you're trying to argue something in front of an educated audience.

I think "Spelen" is the least of our worries..[wink]
Caution strong language maybe offensive to some.
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I think "Spelen" is the least of our worries..[wink]
Caution strong language maybe offensive to some.

You're not going to make an argument in front of an educated audience by misspelling half of what you write.

Looking like you're educated on the subject you're addressing is a vital component of the argument.

That is unfortunately - just the way it works.

Liberal gun grabbers need to be beaten down - by using their tactics against them. Liberals think everybody who is "educated" is a better person than all the "uneducated" redneck gun owning rubes that they imagine us all to be.

When educated well-spoken highly well informed people out-argue liberals using their own rules against them - it drives them crazy, because you're winning when you do that - and they know it.

It's a war - every little bit counts.
I don't consider any of gun grabbing moonbats "well educated" no matter how many Harvard degrees they have. With them, emotion and force wins, not logic or argument.

A little too late for NY crowd, not that NRA membership would guarantee saner living.
I don't consider any of gun grabbing moonbats "well educated" no matter how many Harvard degrees they have. With them, emotion and force wins, not logic or argument.

A little too late for NY crowd, not that NRA membership would guarantee saner living.

It's not a question of whether or not they really are - it's a question of whether they think they are. And the audience you're trying to affect anyway isn't the lunatic fringe of the moonbat world because they're no fixing them. They just need to die. You're trying to influence people who don't know any better.

If one side of the argument is a bunch of screaming moonbats and the other side is bunch of unwashed rednecks screaming about their 2nd amendment rights - my guess is that Joe and Martha average probably fall down on the side of taking away gun rights - because that's the argument the vast majority of polished politicians go with - at least in this part of the country.

I'm sorry - but image counts for something. If you want to make an analogy out of it: We're at war - learn to shoot straight.
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