In other words, he doesn't want to take a stand on the issue. Just like politicians were doing on gay marriage or any issues they are uncomfortable with
He's OK with "big city" gun bans. Maybe even "county wide" gun bans, and as POTUS he would not stop that by citing 2A. No thanks.
Well there, Jeb, if the Federal Government shouldn't be involved in "Gun Laws", then they shouldn't be in "Education Laws" (common core), "Health Laws" (O'care), "Water Laws" (EPA), plus about at least a dozen or so more, now should they?
"You go to a rural area, where guns are part of the culture, (and) to impose laws from Washington that are going to work in New York City, or work in a rural area, makes no sense.”

Really? Do gun laws work in NYC?

I'm convinced that a liberal media plot is the only reason his name is even coming up with respect to 2016. How frigging tone deaf is the republican party if they haven't banned anyone with the last name Bush at this point?
jeb is the biggest divider running for potus. guns for rednecks, less guns for blacks in inner city. mexican anchor baby bueno, chinese anchor baby nono. what else is in his plans?
What he really means is that the states should be allowed to plow the 2nd amendment under and do whatever they want to curtail gun rights.
I wonder what other amendments he thinks it's all right for states to manipulate. Maybe some states are more tolerant of religion than others. So, I guess it is all right for states to sanction and outlaw some religions too.
Is that how its worked with CCW over the last couple decades?

Clearly not

What you fail to comprehend is that the BOR is a limitation on the powers granted to the federal gov

Its also why most states have a 2A equiv written into their constitutions

Fed Gov was always intended to be the junior partner in the relationship
What you fail to understand is that the 2nd amendment is the only reason we can still own firearms...

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Maybe you would care to flesh that argument out a bit and demonstrate to everyone why that is

Seems to me that prior to Heller/McDonald ownership/possession wasnt in any immenent threat of confiscation

Almost every state has its equivalent RKBA clause/protection

Politicians historically have run from gun control after voters slap them silly at the polls

Seems to me that its voters that guarantee RKBA not 2A

If follks have learned nothing else they should observe that the supreme court FOLLOWS popular opinion on most every ruling they carefully cherry pick from applicants

Given record sales for nearly a decade and popular opinion clearly behind RKBA what do you think is going to happen.

The problem though is that too many people are too poorly educated in which level of gov the Constitution makes as the junior partner in the deal......
Let me ask you a question.

Would Heller ever have happened if there was no second amendment?

Do you remember the AWB?

Do you think that the AWB and eventually confiscation wouldn't ever have happened if not for the 2nd amendment?

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JEB! is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. He has no convictions, no personality, no nothing. Yet the RNC wants him as our President. I don't think so. They need to dump JEB! and start over. I'll write in if he's the candidate. The Republicans will lose the election and Hillary (maybe Sanders if he lives to make it to the general election.. The Clintons have been known to "act out") will finally break that "glass ceiling". The femenazis will get their wish. Hillary will get Aberdeened and they'll be a slime on the White House that will take a 100 years to wash off. Then we'll revolt.
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