Article: H. 2259 is scheduled for a public hearing date

...It seems like this non-sense will never end and it has been only 1 year since Obama took office. His presence in office is what is empowering all of these local politicians to move forward with this illogical emotion only thinking. I know it is a pain because you either actually work for a living or are trying your darndest to get a job if you were let go...but

call the senators on the committee and let them know what you think. Power in numbers. Freedom is not free....Just ask someone who lived during ww2.
The 2259 hearing was as encouraging as any legislative sausage making can be. Committee members are openly discussing 2A rights as an "individual right." The next step is to make them understand that as such nothing short of the due process of law must be used by the state in its actions and laws in protecting that right.

They are starting to get it. They need to hear our voices more often.

The most important thing for every resident of MA (and indeed any state) is how isolated our legislators can be come to the views that we assume don't need to be shouted, protested and marched - since they are encoded so deeply in our Constitution (both State and Federal). They hear nothing but a stream of beggars and whiners each day asking for handouts the legislature for their specialized needs.

The view point of "get government out of our lives" and "please help me less" is not heard over the shouting... All they here is "what can you do for me!?!"

We all have a dim view of politics, but for many its because we refuse to participate and show our elected officials in the trenches what we want from our government (more perhaps what we don't want). They aren't all corrupt and bad. Many just don't know how to respond to "ban all those evil guns". They don't have an informed response.

Educate your elected officials at every opportunity. It should not be a surprise that they are not experts on firearms. The surprising part is that we let people who have little-to-no familiarity with a topic regulate it in such a specific manner. They aren't going to learn without someone to teach them. Show up. Write. Call.

Freedom isn't free...
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