Facts don't mean anything to these people. Propaganda is where it is at.

These people prey on the uninformed and easily led (sheep).
So? People in a Free Society have the choice to commit crimes or suicide. If their beef is with crime, address crime, not gun-related crime. If their beef is with suicide, address suicide, not gun-related suicide. If their beef is with accidents, I'm all for them spending their money on PSAs about storage with kids in the home, etc., as they have every right to influence the choices that gun owners make with privately raised funds.

But lying about history to demonize a tool proves they have no interest in the root causes of "gun violence" and only want people disarmed.
Counting suicides as a measure 'gun violence' makes the unproven assumption that those people would not have killed themselves using other methods if guns were not available.
The article refers to "armed citizens" making it sound like responsible gun owners cause all homicides, when in fact, 75% to 85% of firearm homicides are committed by irresponsible gang-bangers.
Most deaths, if these numbers are remotely believable, are caused by scumbags killing other scumbags, which isn't such a bad thing. If the numbers are strictly law abiding gun owners, the crime rate is lower than what cops do every year, so tell these propagandists to suque it. People for gun control are white entitled azzholes who live in safe neighborhoods who fear nothing, including politicians/rich with security, and the ignorant who have been brain washed by their leaders, who clearly don't have their interests at heart (Bloomberg, Jackson, etc)
In the history of the world more people have died than are alive! Guns are evil!

What a bunch of crap but the ignorant liberals eat it up.

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I like it.

Let's carry the meme a little further and break it down by socioeconomic status, race - and political class.

The Clintons have killed more people than soldiers that were killed during the first Iraq war....

Inner city blacks have killed more people than US soldiers who died during the entire Vietnam war.....

Illegal immigrants have killed more people than all of the US soldiers who died during Operation Enduring Freedom....


And apparently if the numbers don't work in our favor - it's ok to must make shit up....

I'm liking this.
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