Article: Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s new gun-control law targets gun makers

The gun friendly states are just chomping at the bit for the tax revenue and jobs, and who can blame them. There should be no question in their decision. The only downside would be the loss of jobs for the New Yorkers.
The firearms manufacturers who do choose to leave New York State are doing so without any loss to their bottom line. The incentives that certain States are offering seem to cover all of the cost of moving. The sad part is the loss of jobs for the people being screwed over by New York lawmakers. Firearms manufacturing requires skilled workers. Years of education and experience are required to design components via CAD technology, run CNC operations and everything else. All of these skilled metallurgical engineers, gunsmiths and all the rest are now in a really horrible position because of this unbelievably misguided and erroneous law. The State is losing thousands of manufacturing jobs and will probably continue to as long as this law stays on the books. ATI (American Tactical Imports), Kahr Arms and now possibly Remington are all hitting the road. These companies have a long history and have a big part in their local economies. There are a lot of supporting companies that also must now either move, shut down or change what they do because their main customers are now gone. These big firearms manufacturers outsource a lot of work to local companies. The overall effect of this disaster in the making will be felt for a long time to come.
So the Dem-0-Rats are anti-job now ? They want more people unemployed ?

Oh wait... next up is Dem-0-Rat sponsored unemployment / welfare programs (read "economic stimlus programs") so the newly unemployed will continue to re-elect them... [rolleyes]
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