Article: Connecticut: The Coming Storm

Agree, the first guy or couple of guys to get raided are going to be screwed and possibly killed - even without any resistance, the 'non-compliant' will be synonyms for 'terrorists'. Once the news gets out of what has been done - counter-attacks will be made (Chris Dorner). It will then become an escalating serious of raids and reprisals.

There is a way out of this - REPEAL THE LAW - no one wanted it, outside of a small fraction and many out of state interests.

As for me, I still say no, I will not comply. This is why you have cameras (some hidden, some not) so that the story will get out, even if you aren't there to tell it.

D-LINK cameras have a memory card and WIFI connection. DROP-CAM streams live to a mirror-site that you control.
If there is any type of intervention by armed forces, whether police or military and yet time and time again the US sits on it's hands in dealing with international events (Syria, Venezuela, Ukraine, and what else tomorrow?) then I weep for my children and theirs as all hope is truly lost and we are responsible for correcting this so they don't have to live with a world truly lost.
If there is any type of intervention by armed forces, whether police or military and yet time and time again the US sits on it's hands in dealing with international events (Syria, Venezuela, Ukraine, and what else tomorrow?) then I weep for my children and theirs as all hope is truly lost and we are responsible for correcting this so they don't have to live with a world truly lost.

If Hagel does cut the troop numbers down there won't be enough to go around.
Apparently this was from a blog and not a satire site. Fiction yes, satire no.

For now at least.

I do believe the scenario depicted would happen pretty much as written so my earlier comments of;

"Shoot first, Shoot fast, Shoot accuratly"

...remains valid. They'll be out for blood, may as well take as many as you can out with you.
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They really need to stand up and do something down there. Hats off to the law abiding citizens of CT who have refused to comply. but this makes me sick to think that this scumbag Lt. is on his high horse wiping his ass with the Constitution. This is going to be huge. They need to make an example that we will not comply for unconstitutional laws.
That article was a mock site - fake - bogus - scam. I hate it when those get linked in. What we do know is they got maybe 20% compliance, with 200+ people being first on the hit list as they tried to comply and fail. If I was them, I would put some cameras up. This way when they claim you started shooting first we will know what happened - you won't be there to tell the tale.

BTW - nothing wrong with shooting someone who wants to take your rights away (see murder, Right to Life). Just have them make the first move, a no knock at 2AM fits imo.
This bit of 'Fiction' has much greater chance of proving effective than the phone call with Lt Vance.
I would have preferred the article to not have linked to that recording, but what's done is done.
The Pols are for the largest part lost, still we must try to persuade them.
The Police seem to be split and I think there are real opportunities to appeal to them. I know the whole 'Thin Blue Line', 'Shoot the Dog', 'I Make the Rules ' bit but believe that bad apples have not yet ruined the entire barrel.

We are on a dangerous path - one that was tried once before, only the guys were wearing Red Coats not Black.
I truly hope it doesn't go that full route again.
Fiction or not.. It could become a reality for CT residents. Think about how many of us would instinctively reach for our weapons if we heard the front door explode at 3am. I know I would, and I would be killed for it. I don't agree with how easy it is for police to obtain no knock warrants.
Why were the police there? You tried to obey the law and register an AR-15 you bought. Unfortunately, you missed the deadline by two days, so the state knew you had the rifle and four magazines. What they didn’t know was that you bought the gun as a birthday present for your adult son who lives in Montana. The gun and magazines were in Montana only a week after you bought it. The state police attacked your home because they thought you had an “assault weapon” and “high capacity magazines,” all of which had been in Montana for months. They were scared to death of anyone with an “assault weapon,” so they sent a SWAT team.

bogus premise. Who would send in a registration form (two days late) for a rifle that was already shipped to his son in Montana. The whole stupid build-up is based on THIS premise, which is obviously ridiculous.
This sets a bad precedence. It will not happen with SWAT team raids, the government will more than likely try to issue a summons into court. Good luck to CT when they get hit with a class action lawsuit, I have faith they will lose at the Supreme Court level.
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