Article: Concealed Carrier in Milwaukee kills one of four robbers

Not only is the place safer, but now we dont have to pay 300K a year for the next 10-15 years to educate/house/feed this individual. I call this a Win-Win-Win!
dead bad guy

nice to read good news first thing in the morning
3 cheers!! sad to say, but i celebrate when scumbags meet their demise, especially at the hands of one of us, law abiding gun owners. I'd rather have it that this POS was locked away, but the guvmt does nothing, since most of them live in nice neighborhoods far away from this human detritus.
I don't agree with them using the term "shooting victim" in reference to the 15 years old. He was not a victim - his fate was set in motion by his own poor decision making
When I picture a Dem/socialist/progressive/anti reading this all I hear in my head: "These are not the droids you are looking for"
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