Article: 38 people were shot–and 7 killed–in Chicago during the July 4th weekend.

Ah. It's the NRA's fault. I get it. Has nothing at all to do with gangs. Nope. Nothing at all.
Just 8 dead? Light weekend. And 8 less on the welfare

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Don't worry - another 100 will be squeezed out in the next few days to take their place on the gov't teet..

CNN) - When a city has seven killings in two days, including the death of a 7-year-old boy, something is systemically wrong.

That's what Chicago's police chief said after a spate of bloodshed that tormented the city over the weekend.
"We need to repair a broken system," Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy told reporters Sunday. "Criminals don't feel the repercussions of the justice system."
Take, for example, the death of 7-year-old Amari Brown. McCarthy said the boy was the unintended victim of bullet meant for his father, a ranking gang member.
The system failed Amari, the police chief said. Amari's father, who has been arrested 45 times and has a lengthy criminal record, should not have been on the streets, McCarthy said.
"If Mr. Brown is in custody, his son is alive," McCarthy said.
At a vigil Sunday for Amari, family friend Michael Singleton told the media that unless real changes are made, the cycle of violence will continue.
"All of you all will be back out here next week, on another corner, filming the same thing, from somebody else, saying exactly what I'm saying," he said.
"So I'm tired of doing news conferences. I'm tired of listening to them. I'm tired of talking about them. Until we make a better decision as a community and as a city, this is all that's going to happen."
C'mon....the natives were just celebrating the fact that they had the July 4th Week off.

Along with the other 51 Weeks...
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Yes, the herd culled itself a bit, but it should pick up again next year. [laugh]

i was listening to the radio last night and an insider on the Chicago police force says the numbers are being manipulated because there is some sort of a election or vote or something coming up. The numbers of dead and shot was much higher, they are classifying some of the shootings as 'unknown' and there are a few that are brain dead that they are saying are still alive until after the press dies down. Take the anecdotal information for what it's worth but I wouldn't put it past them.
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