Army recruiter crosses the line (literally).

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I wouldn't advise anyone to enlist under odumbo. Having said that their are opportunities for some kids and it did get me 4 years of college for free along with a number of other benefits from serving. Not sure what they do now though!
Oh, boy. You all (well, most of you anyways; few who responded do have common sense) are so smart and know everything.

When ICE stops you and ask you if you are a U.S. citizen, all hell breaks lose in this forum. But when someone steps into your house uninvited (I don't even know who the **** this guy is, he never identified himself), then I am anti military and you all 'know' that my daughter probably (and you all assume, cause ya'll so smart) that she filled out something.

Please...spare me. 99% of you who responded here in negativity and suggested that I don't know if my daughter applied or filled or inquired about the military would raise hell just as I did, maybe 10 times more. Unlike most of you, I know my daughter very well and if she inquired about military or filled anything I would have known. Why would she spend 5-figures $$$ on one year in college if she wanted to go to the military? And who the hell said about someone just walking down the neighborhood and knocking on every door?? Of course they have her name, they get it from the school, for crying out loud! Of course he intentionally came to my house to look for her. I do not have a problem with military; I do have problem with someone not identifying himself and walks into the house.
And forgive me for not being able to distinguish between Army and USMC uniform. My bad. I'll make sure they add it to the citizenship test in the future.
Also, I did not have, and do not have any intention to 'complain' about the guy. Just a rant about something that would flip most of you the same way. Does it matter if it's Comcast rep or military recruiter who walks in uninvited?!

I think what we're saying is that it's unlikely that a recruiter, who covers something like half a county, is going to go door to door with a list of HS graduates cold-calling. I could see them making a cold phone call, but they're not going to spend hours going door to door cold-calling thousands of kids without some sort of previous contact. They simply have too many potential candidates and too little time. You weren't sure if she took the ASVAB or not, are you absolutely sure she didn't ask about ROTC or something to help pay for school?

I think we're also saying that it's possible that either you or him misunderstood this invitation or lack thereof. You said your wife was "confused." Is it possible that he asked to come in and she said yes in her confusion?

It's extremely unlikely that he didn't identify himself to your wife. You said you couldn't hear everything that he said to your wife and yet you appear to be positive that he didn't identify himself. Doesn't make sense.

In short, you seem to be positive that you're the victim of some sort of military incursion, but you're ~at best~ unclear on many of the details.

Unlike most of you, I know my daughter very well...

You know most of us and our relationships with our daughters? OK, pal.
Thread = off rails.

Perhaps we've ALL been drinking and pissed off the B's are down by 2 (AGAIN).

Screwed how? Please don't ever say you love America or what this country was built on. you are no different the draft dodgers of the 60's. coward [puke]

NES -- all about personal freedoms and freedom from tyranny (unless it's the .mil piece of the .gov that wants to enslave you.)

What a crazy thread

enslave how? explain please. do you support veterans?

You threw up at a guy because he didn't want to register with Selective Service and called him a coward just like the draft dodgers.

So you support enslaving people to the .mil piece of the .gov
You threw up at a guy because he didn't want to register with Selective Service and called him a coward just like the draft dodgers.

So you support enslaving people to the .mil piece of the .gov

yeah OK.please explain the enslaving. I will not respond to your next post, have a great the way no one is keeping you in this great country feel free to leave.
NES -- all about personal freedoms and freedom from tyranny (unless it's the .mil piece of the .gov that wants to enslave you.)

What a crazy thread

You mean all about freedoms and freedom from tyranny unless some of them actually have to belly up to the defense bar? Makes me wonder why some people here even have firearms. If your not willing to defend your country if needed, I have to wonder if you're willing to defend, really defend anything in the end.

Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved home and the war's desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the heav'n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Has this thread gone full retard yet? I mean like THIRD AMMENDMENT RETARD

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Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved home and the war's desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the heav'n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

For those who have served and fought, freedom has a flavor that others will never savor .
You threw up at a guy because he didn't want to register with Selective Service and called him a coward just like the draft dodgers.

So you support enslaving people to the .mil piece of the .gov

Enslaving ! They use to call it the draft didn't they?
Please stay on topic. Feel free to start a different thread to discuss your objections to the multiple SCOTUS cases concerning the draft.
How exactly is conscription not slavery?

First of all... you could get out of the draft. I've met plenty of "people" who did.

Next, the military has not been in the business of "enslaving" Americans since Vietnam. In no way was this recruiter trying to enslave his daughter. He isn't breaking into his house to kidnap her.

First of all... you could get out of the draft. I've met plenty of "people" who did.

Next, the military has not been in the business of "enslaving" Americans since Vietnam. In no way was this recruiter trying to enslave his daughter. He isn't breaking into his house to kidnap her.


The mod already said to stay on topic, but my question wasn't directed at the OP. Re-read in context of the post being responded to, and the post that was responding to...
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