Arms industry: Gun buys up 95%, ammo 139%, sales to blacks jump 58%

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These aren't "new gun owners" necessarily, rather people who transferred guns through dealers. It could be that the same people just bought more guns than usual this year. I'm sure there are first time buyers in those numbers, but it's not necessarily a gigantic uptick in the volume of gun owners.
These aren't "new gun owners" necessarily, rather people who transferred guns through dealers. It could be that the same people just bought more guns than usual this year. I'm sure there are first time buyers in those numbers, but it's not necessarily a gigantic uptick in the volume of gun owners.

There's also been a huge uptick in demand for things like new shooter training in states like RI and I would imagine in Mass. The times I've been to gun stores since St. Patrick's Day, most of the customers have been newbs.
@headednorth: "Blacks have poor impulse control"
NFL: 70% of players are black
NBA: 74.3% of players are black

One of these things is inconsistent with the others.

If you think that 15% of the population commits 90% of crimes, what solutions do you propose to eliminate or mitigate this issue?

Basketball and to a greater extent football are controlled violence. It would make sense then, that those somewhat inclined towards physical violence would excel at those sports.
Maybe North is not too far off on his point.
As far as controlling violence prone groups, as American citizens, you simply treat them equally under the law. Arrest them. Jail them.
As for those who are not American citizens (like MS13, Latin Kings, et. al), you build the wall with their dead bodies.
Then don't let your panties get into a snit when the jails seem overpopulated with a demographic group predisposed to violence
As far as controlling violence prone groups, as American citizens, you simply treat them equally under the law. Arrest them. Jail them.
As for those who are not American citizens (like MS13, Latin Kings, et. al), you build the wall with their dead bodies.

Do you suggest preemptive arrests of "violence prone groups"? Do you want to pay higher taxes to pay for all these arrests and incarcerations?
I agree that more legal gun owners is a good thing from a pro 2A voter support standpoint. What concerns me is just how responsible many of these new owners will be?

I imagine most of the folks on this and similar forums are fairly diligent about getting professional training, researching laws and safe handling topics, and most importantly getting range time in.

With the high cost of firearms and ammo for the new owner, high cost of ranges, and a general shortage of ranges near urban areas I don’t think a lot of new owners will have sufficient opportunity to build up the skills necessary to become safe, smart and accurate shooters.

Maybe this isn’t such an issue in a 1-1 SD situation. I’m more concerned about the potential for these nimrod owners to be stupid and a danger to innocents in a home or public setting.

This is sure to lead to more “accidental” deaths and more loose cannons going off over non-life threatening situations. Once we start seeing more negative headlines in the anti-gun MSM I would not be surprised to see a ramp up of knee jerk political calls for added restrictions.

Maybe this is all part of the master plan. Just like in the 60’s - uncontrolled violence plus more guns, especially in the hands of those dreaded minorities, and perhaps a couple high profile shootings results in tighter govt restrictions.
violence prone groups - non citizen round up - absofinglutely. American citizens - innocent until proven guilty
pay more taxes - cut billions in waste from various programs and departments and reallocate funds to crime reduction.
violence prone groups - non citizen round up - absofinglutely. American citizens - innocent until proven guilty
pay more taxes - cut billions in waste from various programs and departments and reallocate funds to crime reduction.

So, what your saying is, you're cool with putting people on trains and buses to be taken into government custody, no questions asked?
if those people are not American citizens yes. Custody until deportation.
Problem is we've become a nation of pussies unwilling to stand up for our national identity.
National identity is not a particular color, either. It is a common perspective to life in a society.
We allow our bogus court system to turn predators loose, to let illegals go, on the flimsiest of pretexts.
if those people are not American citizens yes. Custody until deportation.
Problem is we've become a nation of pussies unwilling to stand up for our national identity.
National identity is not a particular color, either. It is a common perspective to life in a society.
We allow our bogus court system to turn predators loose, to let illegals go, on the flimsiest of pretexts.

What is our "national identity"? Define "a common perspective to life in a society".

Do you know what natural law is?
Don't lump us all into that category, seems to be just one two on this thread. ;)

FIFY. Racists are smart enough to not say explicitly racist shit like "I hate [group]", but they're dumb enough to act like fireflies coming to a light source whenever the opportunity arises.
New gun ownership is good. Hopefully many new owners find their way to exposure to gun culture versus a few range trips and tossing a Taurus and a box of 9mm into a box and forgetting about it.

Democrats don't give a damn about gun rights in respect to white men, however this change in stereo typical ownership demographics that directly lands in their percieved voter base could make a difference (or could sway voter base).

Haven't read up on NAAGA's opinions on scary guns & politics, hopefully these relatively new organizations are preaching about the politics involved and highlighting the ridiculous nature of AWB's, mag limits, etc

Anyone else notice how quiet national gun control efforts went as soon as COVID hit and the panic buys began?

News is coming out about shootings almost every other day... but the national anti-gun machine has gone all but dark. Too busy buying guns now, I guess!

Does that translate into 2A support in the broader, public sense? Remains to be seen. My guess is that these new gun owners are still in the honeymoon phase. *Having it* makes them feel better. Willing to bet that there hasn't been a correlating increase in training, proper use and maintenance, or any actual 'immersion' in firearms or firearm culture. Into a sock drawer or poorly-secured concealed holster (or even a bag or purse, sigh) it goes. My parents were like that. I cringe at how incredibly inept and irresponsible they were as gun owners.

More new gun owners are great, don't get me wrong. But more new *participating* gun owners are better. These new owners probably still think it's cool to limit mags to 10 rounds and would call a time-out and cry foul if an opponent showed up with 15.
Anyone else notice how quiet national gun control efforts went as soon as COVID hit and the panic buys began?

News is coming out about shootings almost every other day... but the national anti-gun machine has gone all but dark. Too busy buying guns now, I guess!

Does that translate into 2A support in the broader, public sense? Remains to be seen. My guess is that these new gun owners are still in the honeymoon phase. *Having it* makes them feel better. Willing to bet that there hasn't been a correlating increase in training, proper use and maintenance, or any actual 'immersion' in firearms or firearm culture. Into a sock drawer or poorly-secured concealed holster (or even a bag or purse, sigh) it goes. My parents were like that. I cringe at how incredibly inept and irresponsible they were as gun owners.

More new gun owners are great, don't get me wrong. But more new *participating* gun owners are better. These new owners probably still think it's cool to limit mags to 10 rounds and would call a time-out and cry foul if an opponent showed up with 15.

It'll take time to pan out. I think with the internet and less reliance on word of mouth or "knowing" people, new gun owners will have an easier time learning about guns and where to shoot, and so on. Consequently, when those new people do show up at gun clubs and do ask questions, it would be best to be welcoming and not a prick.
if those people are not American citizens yes. Custody until deportation.
Problem is we've become a nation of pussies unwilling to stand up for our national identity.
National identity is not a particular color, either. It is a common perspective to life in a society.
We allow our bogus court system to turn predators loose, to let illegals go, on the flimsiest of pretexts.

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

- The New Colossus

Ours is a nation built by- and on the backs- of immigrants. While there are certainly arguments to be made about our utterly ineffective criminal justice system, it would do more people a bit of good to remember that most of us are probably descended from immigrants, if not immigrants ourselves.

No, I don't like seeing gang members hop the border, get arrested, and be set free 24 hrs later.

That, however, doesn't translate in any way to, "it's okay to cage people until you can deport them." That is racist, bigoted, and so ignorant to the history of the world and this country as to be ludicrously comical. There are children involved here. They are put in cages. You think that's okay?
It'll take time to pan out. I think with the internet and less reliance on word of mouth or "knowing" people, new gun owners will have an easier time learning about guns and where to shoot, and so on. Consequently, when those new people do show up at gun clubs and do ask questions, it would be best to be welcoming and not a prick.

Completely agreed. I love talking firearms to newbs. I genuinely nerd out, and I think the enthusiasm can be a little infectious under the right circumstances.

I'm just skeptical. Here's to hoping!
I don't understand why white or Hispanic is its own category

I don't understand why we have categories at all.... There are only 2 checkboxes in my world:


Anyone not in category A can f*** off. That includes those who were born and live here who deface monuments and commit violence against the innocent. You're not an American. You lost that honor the moment you committed insurrection against the country...
I welcome our new Black Brothers and Sisters who pick up arms AND JOIN OUR SIDE.
Matter of fact, I welcome all who will join us.
Black, Brown, Asian, Gay, Straight, Male, Female, Religious, Agnostic, Republican & Democrat.

All* are welcome if you have the Right Heart and the Right Mindset...


* Communists need not apply...
I welcome our new Black Brothers and Sisters who pick up arms AND JOIN OUR SIDE.
Matter of fact, I welcome all who will join us.
Black, Brown, Asian, Gay, Straight, Male, Female, Religious, Agnostic, Republican & Democrat.

All are welcome if you have the Right Heart and the Right Mindset...


Hell, most of the shitty gun laws that exist now are a direct result of attempts at suppressing Black gun ownership. And lookie-loo, we all get screwed.
Hell, most of the shitty gun laws that exist now are a direct result of attempts at suppressing Black gun ownership. And lookie-loo, we all get screwed.
Don't really know much about that, but when the bullets start flying (and they will start flying,)
I don't care who I share a trench line with. Just please be a regular bather...
Basketball and to a greater extent football are controlled violence. It would make sense then, that those somewhat inclined towards physical violence would excel at those sports.
Maybe North is not too far off on his point.

Have you ever heard of Jimmy the Greek? Youd be way into him. He speaks your language.
Ours is a nation built by- and on the backs- of LEGAL immigrants. While there are certainly arguments to be made about our utterly ineffective criminal justice system, it would do more people a bit of good to remember that most of us are probably descended from LEGAL immigrants, if not LEGAL immigrants ourselves.

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