"Armed gunman": Hoplophobia and the media


NES Member
Dec 17, 2007
Feedback: 37 / 0 / 0
After reading yet another article calling an armed criminal a "gunman" (as if that was a criminal act) instead of "armed robber," or something more descriptive of the actual crime involved, I wondered if the obsession of some news personnel went so far as to not even realize that the term "gunman" already meant "armed" rather than being a synonym for "criminal." How totally obsessed is the press with the object rather than the act?

So... I searched Google News on the exact phrase, "armed gunman" - a total redundancy stemming from an assumption that "gunman" == criminal, not "armed person."

Here's what I found so far for the wall of shame for using the phrase, "Armed gunman":
  • San Jose Mercury News
  • The Virginian-Pilot
  • WNCF (ABC affiliate)
  • KHQ (NBC affiliate)
  • WHBQ (Fox affiliate)
  • WZZM (ABC affiliate)
  • Orlando Sentinel
  • WCSC (CBS affiliate)
  • KENS (CBS affiliate)
  • The Buffalo News
  • Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc.
  • The Journal Times
  • Lake News (Lake Media)

That's US-domestic news only. I did not count syndicated articles except for the originator. Did not count articles in which the phrase was only in a quote. Did not count op eds except news-related ones by the outlet's own editorial board. Did not count "culture" or other non-news pieces that happened to contain the phrase. Recent news only.

Things that make you go, "Hmmm."
A search of Google News on "knifeman" reveals a lot of British media using the term. So there's something we already knew: Where this "armed gunman" thing is trending. Phobics see animus in in the objects instead of the person.
To be fair, we need to start seeing stories about...

2 by 4 man
Things that make you go, "Hmmm."

Things that make you go "hmmm" in deed...I have absolutely no clue what your point is or what you are bothered by...

Wow, the news called some one an armed gunman... yawn ...

Look at virtually every other "news" story, they tend to be over "descriptive" on everything:
~helpless victim
~intoxicated drunk driver
~lucky survivor
~strong champion
~innocent bystander
Unless you post something inaccurate on the innerweb. Then friendliness dies.

Things that make you go "hmmm" in deed...I have absolutely no clue what your point is or what you are bothered by...

Wow, the news called some one an armed gunman... yawn ...

Look at virtually every other "news" story, they tend to be over "descriptive" on everything:
~helpless victim
~intoxicated drunk driver
~lucky survivor
~strong champion
~innocent bystander
Yes, you're right -- you don't get it. Other than "intoxicated drunk driver" (one hit only in all of Google News), those aren't necessarily redundant, nor do they illustrate an obsession with the object rather than the actor.
...nor do they illustrate an obsession with the object rather than the actor.
OK I see, so to you it makes a difference that some one reporting an event says "armed gunman" rather than "armed attacker" or simply "gunman"... because somehow it matters? Ie.
"today an armed gunman shot and killed an innocent bystander" is in your opinion considerably different than (and I guess the point you are trying to make, somehow worse to lawful firearms users/owners) "today a gunman shot and killed an innocent bystander" or "today an armed attacker shot and killed an innocent bystanded"...

to me they all say the samething "today some douche shot someone"...come on man relax, its the news if "armed gunman" as a term bothers you, I'd suggest thicker skin or a new hobby...

PS. how does google news rank "fiery inferno", because I am going with that term is used to decribe just about every fire someone is rescued from or killed in. It seems a bit reduntant and seems to illustrate an obsession with fire...
OK I see, so to you it makes a difference that some one reporting an event says "armed gunman" rather than "armed attacker" or simply "gunman"... because somehow it matters? Ie.
No, it's not that it matters to me (it doesn't even make my top 100 peeve list). It is interesting because it shows how many reporters think.
to me they all say the samething "today some douche shot someone"...come on man relax, its the news if "armed gunman" as a term bothers you, I'd suggest thicker skin or a new hobby...
Not about my feelings, so no reason to make it personal. On the other hand, here you are bitching and moaning about just one post and taking personal shots to boot. Perhaps it is you who could use a new hobby?
PS. how does google news rank "fiery inferno", because I am going with that term is used to decribe just about every fire someone is rescued from or killed in. It seems a bit reduntant and seems to illustrate an obsession with fire...
Almost not used at all.

As compared to hundreds of hits each week for "armed gunman."

That's my point.

Thanks for your comments.
Not about my feelings, so no reason to make it personal. On the other hand, here you are bitching and moaning about just one post and taking personal shots to boot.

I'm not sure how its "bitching and moaning" someone starts a thread, we respond with our thought/questions on the matter, thats how it works...I have posted two replys in this thread:
1. saying I don't understand where you were going with this. (to which you answered and I made my second reply)
2. saying I don't understand the problem with "armed gunman" any more so than any other news "wordiness"

I guess I'll stop now, because I really have to admit I HAVE NO CLUE how anything I said could have been "making it personal"? I don't know is it me saying you need thicker skin if you are bothered by the words "the news" uses??? If it is...Well sorry, if that's "making it personal" all I can say is get thinker skin, because personal is ussually worse than that...[wink]
Ok, whatever you say, dude. You didn't get it. Get over it.

I'm not sure how its "bitching and moaning" someone starts a thread, we respond with our thought/questions on the matter, thats how it works...I have posted two replys in this thread:
1. saying I don't understand where you were going with this. (to which you answered and I made my second reply)
2. saying I don't understand the problem with "armed gunman" any more so than any other news "wordiness"

I guess I'll stop now, because I really have to admit I HAVE NO CLUE how anything I said could have been "making it personal"? I don't know is it me saying you need thicker skin if you are bothered by the words "the news" uses??? If it is...Well sorry, if that's "making it personal" all I can say is get thinker skin, because personal is ussually worse than that...[wink]
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