Armed and Ready

Nov 14, 2005
Boston Area
Feedback: 21 / 0 / 0
My walrus stuffed animal ready to dispense justice with the help of judge Glock and his jury of six.


Shown: Walrus from Animal Alley, Glock 36 loaded with Gold Dots
Note: Walrus has not mastered the skill of keeping flipper off of trigger... He's just learning folks, don't flame him, he didn't chamber one.
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dvajda said:
My walrus stuffed animal ready to dispense justice with the help of judge Glock and his jury of six.


Shown: Walrus from Animal Alley, Glock 36 loaded with Gold Dots
Note: Walrus has not mastered the skill of keeping flipper off of trigger... He's just learning folks, don't flame him, he didn't chamber one.

Damn, that walrus needs to get himself to the range. His Glock looks unfired!
Cross-X said:
Damn, that walrus needs to get himself to the range. His Glock looks unfired!

HAHAHAHAHA. Walrus has easily put 5000 rounds through that, and carries it a bunch. It all comes down to using good cleaning and oil on it, keeping it looking new. It only looks new, I just recently had to replace all the internals for Walrus (he isn't mechanically inclined) because it seemed like a smart idea as he uses it for CCW. Don't want him to have a spring failure or light primer strike at the wrong time.

Oh, and you can't tell, but Walrus has the LaserMax in there, he is a stone cold killah.
Hey, What the F**K is the walruses flapper thing doing on the trigger? Doesn't anyone practice safe gun handling anymore.

Sorry the Sam is setting in.
Moderator said:
Hey, What the F**K is the walruses flapper thing doing on the trigger? Doesn't anyone practice safe gun handling anymore.

Dammit man! Can you not read the post??!! I wrote a note!! Now appologize to Walrus and maybe I can coax him out of the closet where he is bawling his little beady eyes out...
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